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Best Evening Gowns in Pageantry: 2025 Edition

31, January 2023

The biggest lie in pageantry is that judges do not judge your evening gown.

The majority of directors in the industry encourage their judges not to "judge the dress" but rather judge the girl in the dress. Judges are supposed to score the contestant based on how she wears the evening gown yet time and again we see the coorelation that the girl who has the dress that is on trend, properly tailored and accentuates her in a way that maximizes her strongest attributes wins or scores VERY high in this phase of competition.

With the 2022 season still underway here are the best pageant dresses from 2013 and beyond. They are categorized below based on age divisions and year. Use the table of contents below to drop down to your desired section.

How to qualify for & win best evening gown? 

Anyone, anywhere in the world can qualify for "best evening gown" if you have: 

  1. Have a contestant profile on Pageant Planet
  2. Uploaded an image of your evening gown + applied the tag "evening gown"
  3. You receieve at least one nominaton.

Nominations begin November 1st each year and close towards the end of December.

A panel goes through every submission and narrows the list down to a Top 15 per age division. Then that panel passes the Top 15 onto our expert judges (scroll below the table of contents to see who judged this year). The panel then lists in order the gowns they like the most to the least. Then our software adds up all the scores and whoever has the lowest score wins, second lowest gets second and so on. 

Top Pageant Evening Gowns of: 2024 20232022 | 2021 | 20202019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013


Top 5 Princess JR and Princess Evening Gown 2024


Top 5 Pre-teen JR and Pre-teen Evening Gown 2024


Top 5 JR Teen and Teen Evening Gown 2024


Top 5 Miss Evening Gown 2024


Top 5 Ms. Evening Gown 2024


Top 5 Mrs. Evening Gown 2024


Top 10 Princess Jr and Princess Evening Gown 2024

10. Lanie Branch

9. Aubrey Hannah

8. Jemma Tester

7. Clara Kate Edwards

6. Hope Pyron

5. Brighton Bedre

4. Kolbie Harris

3. Raegan Watson

2. Emma Grace Waits

1. Braley Cook

Top 10 Preteen and Jr Preteen Evening Gown 2024

10. Kynslie Fitzgerald

9. Jaidyn McDuffie

8. Anabelle Rosiles

7. Holland Farmer

6. Georgia Moseley

5. Meya Beres

4. Piper Sharp

3. Saylor-Claire Herring

2. August Kate Henderson

1. Bianca Campbell

Top 10 Jr Teen and Teen Evening Gown 2024

10. Raynah Hudson

9. Zoe Billingsley

8. Mariah Derby-Wine

7. Siyona Karkera

6. Ava Colindres

5. Anna-Claire McCarter

4. Amelia Lisowe

3. Madison Tatum

2. Alexandria Wolfe

1. Halson Altman

Top 10 Miss Evening Gown 2024


10. Jahnai Elder

9. Julia Jacobs

8. Natalie Kasten

7. Kalani Wiggins

6. Carla Carfora

5. Amber Martenson

4. Monica Fisher

3. Lillian Wright

2. Juanita Maldonado

1. Ellie Smith

Top 10 Ms. Evening Gown 2024

10. Lindsey Lenhart

9. Jessica Carvajal

8. Kendra Berning

7. Megan Hunt

6. Rachael Gallagher

5. Tiffany King

4. Ericka Adams

3. Roxanne Alexander

2. Katherine Smith

1. Jada Gonzales

Top 10 Mrs. Evening Gown 2024

10. Catherine Czaja

9. Jennifer Yock

8. Eva Salcedo

7. Meg Brown

6. Rachel Betterley

5. Christine Rich

4. Patricia Cook

3. Chelsea Roberts

2. Carly Brigaman

1. Erica Hildreth


Top 10 Princess Jr and Princess Evening Gowns of 2023

10. Melendia Dinwiddie

9. Hadley Raegan Hood

8. Lennon Carlton

7. Kensie Chesser

6. August McDowell

5. Braley Cook

4. Jaylynn Solorza

3. Aspen Snipes

2. Lakin Dunnington

1.Kairi Tiarè Duncan

Top 10 Preteen Jr Preteen Evening Gowns of 2023

10. Sophia Feduke

9. Mattison Darnell

8. Lila Truex

7. Bria Malone

6. Landry Piller

5. Skylar Catron

4. Ella Grace Prichard

3. Holland Farmer

2. August Kate Henderson

1. Emma Wood

Top 10 Jr Teen Teen Evening Gowns of 2023

10 .Halston Altman

9. Ava Mae Masters

8. Isabella Schmitt

7. Gracie Jaymes Wood

6. Fallyn Fossum

5. Brianah Bezada

4. Siara Caspari

3. Isabel Fulmer

2. Laci Brown

1. Emma Mayfield

Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2023

10. Kaelani Amputch-Curtis

9. Tia Unsell

8. Jenna Howlett

7. Shelby Hohneke

6. Haleigh Hurst

5. Kiki Raffety

4. Carla Carfora

3. Katherine McQuade

2. Taylor Parsons

1. Nicolette Radparvar

Top 10 Ms Evening Gowns 2023

10. Tiffany King

9. Keshia Sutton

8. Lindsey Petlak

7. Roxanne Alexander

6. Deveney Shea

5. Carla Ann Vander Loop

4. Christy-Anne Lopez

3. Britt Klocko

2. Jasmine Secrest

1. Kendra Berning

Top 10 Mrs Evening Gowns of 2023

10. Stephanie Ellington

9. Britton Allen

8. Leah Jensen

7. Kristin Simone

6. Hannah Le Tourneau

5. Kristi Wischnack

4. Rachel Betterley

3. Dariah Marcus

2. Mandy Peterson

1. Marci McNair


Top 10 Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Jr. Princess and Princess Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Jr. Preteen and Preteen Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Jr. Teen and Teen Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Ms. Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2022

Top 10 Jr.Princess and Princess Evening Gowns of 2022

10.) Tess Nhan, Ultimate International Miss Maryland Jr. Princess 2022

Tess Nhan, Photo: Unknown


9.) Skye Harris, Sunburst International Model Search Pageant Contestant 2022

Skye Harris, Photo: Unknown 

8.) Ava Rhea Bushart, America’s International Miss Contestant 2022

Ava Rhea Buhart Photo: Unknown


7.) Lila Truex, International Junior Miss Peach State Jr.Pre-Teen 2022

Lila Truex Photo: Unknown 


6.) Remi Henry, Miss Kentucky Jr. Elementary 2nd Grade 2022

Remi Henry Photo: Unknown 

5.) Jemma Tester, Miss Earth USA Tiny Miss Kentucky 2022

Jemma Tester Photo: Unknown 


4.) Lakin Dunnington, Miss Florida Jr. Elementary 2022 

Lakin Dunnington Photo: Unknown

3.) Kairi Tiarè Duncan, Miss K-1 Alabama Elementary America 2022

Kairi Tiarè Duncan Photo: Unknown

2.) Audrey Bullard, Miss Peach State Elementary America 2022 

Audrey Bullard Photo: Unknown 

1 ) Hazel Ward, Miss Alabama Elementary 2nd-3rd Grade 2023

Hazel Ward Photo: Queen B Studios


Top 10 Jr.Preteen and Preteen Evening Gowns of 2022

10.) Jillian Towle, Miss Pre-Teen International 2022

Jillian Towle Photo: Paula Preston Photography 

9.) Bailey Layne, Little Miss Cosmos Florida 2022

Bailey Layne Photo: Unknown 


8.) Blythe Banks,  USA National Miss Southeast Contestant 2022

Blythe Banks Photo: Unknown

7.) Laila Simone Edwards, Miss Elementary America 4th Grade 2022

Laila Simone Edwards Photo: Unknown

6.) Emmaree Garner, Miss Cosmos United States Contestant 2022

Emmaree Garner Photo: Unknown 

5.) Ava Reese Franzen, International Junior Miss Colorado Pre-Teen 2022

Ava Reese Franzen Photo: Unknown 

4.) Emma Wood, America’s Ideal Miss Arkansas Pre-Teen 2022

Emma Wood Photo: Unknown 

3.) August Kate Henderson, Miss Alabama Elementary America 4th Grade 2022

August Kate Henderson Photo: Unknown 


2.) Brooklyn Franklin, USA National Miss Princess 2022

Brooklyn Franklin Photo: Unknown 


1. ) Abbigail Hicks, Miss Illinois Elementary America Contestant 2022

Abbigail Hicks Photo: Unknown 


Top 10 Junior Teen and Teen Evening Gowns of 2022

10.) Alyssa Hernandez, USA National Miss Jr.Teen 2022

Alyssa Hernandez Photo: Unknown 

9.) Palyce Evelyn Berrian, US American Miss Teen 2022

Palyce Evelyn Berrian Photo: Unknown 


8.) Tyla Johnson, Ultimate International Teen 2022

Tyla Johnson Photo: Unknown 


7.) Lainey Collins, America's International Miss Contestant 2022

Lainey Collins Photo: Unknown


6.) Kenn Ryann, Pre-Teen Universe USA 2022

Kenn Ryan Photo: Unknown


5.) Alexandria Wolfe, International United Miss Texas Jr. Teen 2022

Alexandria Wolfe Photo: Unknown


4.) Brailyn Bailey, America’s Ideal Miss Georgia Jr.Teen 2023

Brailyn Bailey Photo: Unknown

3.) JaeceeRae Carr, America’s International Teen 2022

JaeceeRae Carr Photo: Unknown 

2.) Ella Buchanan, America’s Majestic Miss Jr Teen 2022

Ella Buchanan Photo: Unknown


1 .)  Ava Ernst, Miss Minnesota Teen USA 2022

Ava Ernst Photo: Unknown


Top 10 Miss Evening Gown of 2022

10.) Demi Mills, UK’s National Miss Contestant 2022

Demi Mills Photo: Brian Hayes Photography 


9.) Kourtney Steppe, Miss Princess of America 2022

Kourtney Steppe Photo: Unknown

8.) Chloe Hiller, Miss Arizona Teen USA Contestant 2022

Chloe Hiller Photo: Unknown

7.) Samantha Teeter, Royal International Miss Contestant 2022 

Samantha Teeter Photo: Unknown 


6.) Melissa Shroeder, US American Miss Nebraska 2022

Melissa Shroeder Photo: Unknown

5.) Summer Kirby, Miss Virginia Collegiate America 2023

Summer Kirby Photo: Unknown

4.) Parisa Geshti, United States of America Miss Oklahoma 2022

Parisa Geshti Photo: Unknown


3.) Alexis Gill, Royal International Miss Iowa 2022

Alexis Gill Photo: Unknown  

2.) Christina Blake, Miss Washington Earth USA 2022


Christina Blake Photo: Unknown

1.) Danielle Shook, USA National Miss District of Columbia 2022


Danielle Shook Photo: Unknown 


Top 10 Ms. Evening Gowns of 2022

10.) Tiffany Lockhart, Ultimate International Miss Virginia Ms. 2022


Tiffany Lockhart Photo: Unknown

9.) Aliya Frederick, Ms. Regency International 2022


Aliya Frederick Photo: Unknown


8.) Dr. Teresa Hansbrough, Ms. Tennessee Global Continental 2022


Dr. Teresa Hansbrough Photo: Unknown


7.) Melanie Vaughn, Ms. Cosmo United States 2022


Melanie Vaughn Photo: Unknown


6.) Athena Fleming, Ms. America 2022


Athena Fleming Photo: Unknown

5.) Elizabeth J. Cron, International Ms. 2022


Elizabeth J. Cron Photo: Unknown


4.) Amber Zufelt, United States of America Ms. District of Columbia 2022


Amber Zufelt Photo: Unknown


3.) Jada Gonzales, International Ms. Hawaii 2022


Jada Gonzales Photo: Unknown 


2.) Carla Ann Vander Loop, United States of America Ms. Wyoming 2022


Carla Ann Vander Loop Photo: Unknown


1.) Megan Washington, Ms. Global Continental 2022


Megan Washington Photo: Carlos Velez Studios


Top 10 Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2022

10.) AnnMarie Gutierrez, Mrs. Texas 2022 Contestant 


AnnMarie Gutierrez Photo: Unknown 


9.) Amanda Daley, American Women of Service 2022 Contestant 


Amanda Daley Photo: Unknown 


8.) Ebony Alvarado, Mrs. District of Columbia International 2022


Ebony Alvarado Photo: Unknown


7.) Christine Rich, Mrs. USA Earth 2022


Christine Rich Photo: Unknown 


6.) Kristin King, USA International Ms. 2022


Kristin King Photo: Unknown


5.) Kortnee Wilson, National Elite Mrs. 2022


Kortnee Wilson Photo: Unknown

4.) Charlotte Shores, Mrs. Oklahoma 2022


Charlotte Shores Photo: Gilliam Photography 

3.) Anne Forester, America's Most Beautiful Mrs. 2022


Anne Forester Photo: Unknown


2.) Iryna Bezsmertna, Ms. World International 2022


Iryna Bezsmertna Photo: Unknown 


1.) LaShan Dixon, United States of America's Mrs. 2022


LaShan Dixon Photo: Unknown 

Top 10 Jr. Princess and Princess Evening Gowns of 2021

Each pageant uses their own age limits on their age divisions. In an effort to organize the industry, Pageant Planet uses date of birth to determine what age divisions contestants are sorted into. This may not be the same division that the contestants competed in at their pageants this year.

10. Anistyn Reel, Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

Anistyn Reel. Photo: Sheldon Smith

9. Yunling Xue, USA National Miss Jr. Princess 2021

Yunling Xue. Photo: Amanda Ferguson

8. Mary Jayne Dickerson, Miss Elementary America: 2nd Grade 2021

Mary Jayne Dickerson. Photo: Sheldon Smith

7. Bella Basoco, Royal International Miss 2021 Contestant

Bella Basoco. Photo: Brittany Ann Photography

6. Clara Kate Edwards, Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

Clara Kate Edwards. Photo: Sheldon Smith

5. Amayah Moore, Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

 Amayah Moore. Photo: Sheldon Smith

4. Kaylee Conaway, Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

Kaylee Conaway. Photo: Sheldon Smith

3. Avery Lola Kirk, 2021-2022 National Elite Little Miss

Avery Lola Kirk. Photo: Unknown

2. Holly Potts, Miss Georgia Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

Holly Potts. Photo: Unknown

1. Riley Webb, Royal International Miss 2021 Contestant

Riley Webb. Photo: Brittany Ann Photography

Top 10 Jr. Preteen and Preteen Evening Gowns of 2021

Each pageant uses their own age limits on their age divisions. In an effort to organize the industry, Pageant Planet uses date of birth to determine what age divisions contestants are sorted into. This may not be the same division that the contestants competed in at their pageants this year.

10. Alexandra Newlove Deel, National American Miss 2021 Contestant

Alexandra Newlove Deel. Photo: Unknown

9. Ava Reese Franzen, USA National Miss 2021 Contestant

Ava Reese Franzen. Photo: Unknown

8. Leigha Harris, Royal International Miss 2021 Contestant

Leigha Harris. Photo: Brittney Ann Photography

7. Halston Altman, America's Most Beautiful Pageants 2021 Contestant

Halston Altman. Photo: SMOR Studios

6. Holland Hartpence, Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

Holland Hartpence. Photo: Sheldon Smith

5. Bianca Dent, America's Most Beautiful Miss 2021 Contestant

Bianca Dent. Photo: SMOR Studios

4. Vivianna Valenti, Royal International Miss 2021 Contestant

Vivianna Valenti. Photo: Brittney Ann Photography

3. Brooklyn Franklin, Miss 3rd Grade Elementary America 2021

Brooklyn Franklin. Photo: Sheldon Smith

2. Leia Rios, USA National Miss Wisconsin 2021 Contestant

Leia Rios. Photo: Unknown

1. Landry Piller, 2021-2022 International Junior Miss Jr. Pre-Teen

Landry Piller. Photo: Unknown


Top 10 Jr. Teen and Teen Evening Gowns of 2021

Each pageant uses their own age limits on their age divisions. In an effort to organize the industry, Pageant Planet uses date of birth to determine what age divisions contestants are sorted into. This may not be the same division that the contestants competed in at their pageants this year.

10. Anabel Flores, Royal International Miss 2021 Contestant

Anabel Flores. Photo: Brittney Ann Photography

9. Julia Gilmore, International Pageants 2021 Contestant

Julia Gilmore. Photo: Unknown

8. Ava Ernst, Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School and Collegiate America 2021 Contestant

Ava Ernst. Photo: Sheldon Smith

7. Anna Banks, 2021-2022 National United Junior Miss

Anna Banks. Photo: Unknown

6. Rylie Teeter, Royal International Miss 2021 Contestant

Rylie Teeter. Photo: Brittney Ann Photography

5. Logan Fisher, America's Most Beautiful Pageants 2021 Contestant

Logan Fisher. Photo: SMOR Studios

4. Stephanie E Skinner, Miss High School America 2021

Stephanie E Skinner. Photo: Sheldon Smith

3. Taylor Chapman, USA National Miss 2021 Contestant

Taylor Chapman. Photo: Unknown

2. Shelby Hohneke, National American Miss 2021 Contestant

Shelby Hohneke. Photo: Unknown

1. Madeleine Rae Johnson, 2021-2022 International American Miss

Madeleine Rae Johnson. Photo: Unknown

Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2021

Each pageant uses their own age limits on their age divisions. In an effort to organize the industry, Pageant Planet uses date of birth to determine what age divisions contestants are sorted into. This may not be the same division that the contestants competed in at their pageants this year.

10. Kenzie Hansley, Ultimate International Miss 2021

Ultimate International Miss 2021, Kenzie Hansley. Photo: Amanda Ferguson Photography

9. Naia Torres, USA National Miss Hawaii Teen 2022

USA National Miss Hawaii Teen 2022, Naia Torres. Photo: Brice Kurihara

8. Thessaly Zimmerman, Miss Aruba Universe 2021

Miss Aruba Universe 2021, Thessaly Zimmerman

7. Sassy Searle, Miss Teen Cosmos 2021

Miss Teen Cosmos 2021, Sassy Searle. 

6. Leigha Pertz, Miss Allegheny County Pennsylvania USA 2021

Miss Allegheny County Pennsylvania USA 2021, Leigha Pertz. Photo: Edwin Shaw

5. Kayla Schelling, United States of America's Miss California 2022

United States of America's Miss California 2022, Kayla Schelling. Photo: SMOR Studios

4. Catelyn Combellick, USA National Miss Central Indiana Teen 2022

USA National Miss Central Indiana Teen 2022, Catelyn Combellick. Photo: SMOR Studios

3. Katherine McQuade, Miss New York USA 2021 Contestant

Katherine McQuade. Photo: Anthony Gomes

2. Heather Black, Miss Oklahoma America's Most Beautiful 2021

Miss Oklahoma America's Most Beautiful 2021, Heather Black. Photo: SMOR Studios

1. Emma Feeheley, Miss California America's Most Beautiful 2021

Miss California America's Most Beautiful 2021, Emma Feeheley. Photo: SMOR Studios

Top 10 Ms. Evening Gowns of 2021

Each pageant uses their own age limits on their age divisions. In an effort to organize the industry, Pageant Planet uses date of birth to determine what age divisions contestants are sorted into. This may not be the same division that the contestants competed in at their pageants this year.

10. Clarissa Johnson, Ms. U.S. Plus World 2021 Contestant

Clarissa Johnson, Ms. U.S. Plus World 2021 Contestant. Photo: Unknown

9. Olga Krychylska, Ms. World Ukraine 2021

Ms. World Ukraine 2021. Photo: Unknown

8. Eva Kastner-Puschl, Miss Pennsylvania for America 2021

Miss Pennsylvania for America 2021, Eva Kastner-Puschl. 

7. Chantea McIntyre, Ms. World America 2021

Ms World America 2021, Chantea McIntyre. Photo: Outsiders Studio

6. Angelena Taylor, Captivating Pageants Ms. Midwest 2021

Captivating Pageants Ms. Midwest 2021, Angelena Taylor. 

5. Jennifer Fillmore, Ms. Czech Republic World 2021

Ms. Czech Republic World 2021, Jennifer Fillmore. Photo: Eva Flis Photography

4. Anna Kerry, Ms. Achievement USA 2022

Ms. Achievement USA 2022, Anna Kerry. Photo: Veronica Villegas

3. Jamie Nicole, Ms. Midwest Petite 2021

Ms. Midwest Petite 2021, Jamie Nicole. 

2. Jada Gonzales, International Ms. Hawaii 2022

International Ms. Hawaii 2022, Jada Gonzales. 

1. Abbie Johnson, Ms. World America 2021

Miss World America 2021, Abbie Johnson. 

Top 10 Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2021

Each pageant uses their own age limits on their age divisions. In an effort to organize the industry, Pageant Planet uses date of birth to determine what age divisions contestants are sorted into. This may not be the same division that the contestants competed in at their pageants this year.

10. Bianca Xoyamayagua-Galvan, America's Most Beautiful Mrs. Lone Star State 2021

America's Most Beautiful Mrs. Lone Star State 2021, Bianca Xoyamayagua-Galvan. Photo: SMOR Studios

9. Kandace Monney, America's Most Beautiful Mrs. New York 2022

America's Most Beautiful Mrs. New York 2022, Kandace Monney. Photo: SMOR Studios

8. Anne Forester, Mrs. Utah America 2021

Mrs. Utah America 2021, Anne Forester.

7. Beatriz Gill, Mrs. America's United States 2021

Mrs. America's United States 2021, Beatriz Gill. 

6. Juliana Wilson, Mrs. Tennessee Cosmos United States 2021

Mrs. Tennessee Cosmos United States 2021, Juliana Wilson. 

5. Kristi Wischnack, Mrs. Global International Classic in 2021

Mrs Global International Classic in 2021, Kristi Wischnack. 

4. Lori Brown, United States of America Mrs. Missouri 2021

United States of America Mrs Missouri 2021, Lori Brown. Photo: Altenburg Studio

3. Katy Clatterbaugh, Mrs. Cosmos International 2021

Mrs. Cosmos International 2021, Katy Clatterbaugh. 

2. Kama Montermini, Mrs. Washington America 2021

Mrs Washington America 2021, Kama Montermini. 

1. Christy Creson, America's Most Beautiful Mrs. 2021

America's Most Beautiful Mrs. 2021, Christy Creson. Photo: SMOR Studios

Top 10 Jr. Princess and Princess Evening Gowns of 2020

10. Lorelei S Gammon

Lorelei S Gammon. Photo: Goodwin Photography

9. Royal International Sweetheart Role Model 2020, Camille Schmidt

Royal International Sweetheart Role Model 2020, Camille Schmidt. Photo: Beyond the See

8. America's Majestic Miss Baby Tennessee 2020, Ava Rhea Bushart

America's Majestic Miss Baby Tennessee 2020, Ava Rhea Bushart. Photo: Ava Rhea Bushart

7. Royal International Miss Sweetheart 2020, Adriana Baronie

Royal International Miss Sweetheart 2020, Adriana Baronie. Photo: Beyond the See 

6. Miss Texas Elementary America 2020, Jaksyn Brown

Miss Texas Elementary America 2020, Jaksyn Brown. Photo: Sheldon Smith

5. Miss Arkansas Elementary America 2020, Ella Caubble 

Miss Arkansas Elementary America 2020, Ella Caubble. Photo: Sheldon Smith

4. Miss District of Columbia Elementary America 2020, Ainsley Shomo

  Miss District of Columbia Elementary America 2020, Ainsley Shomo. Photo: Sheldon Smith

3. Miss North Carolina Jr Elementary America 2020, Madaline Richardson

Miss North Carolina Jr Elementary America 2020, Madaline Richardson. Photo: Sheldon Smith

2. Miss Grand Canyon State Jr Elementary America 2020, Bella Basoco

Miss Grand Canyon State Jr Elementary America 2020, Bella Basoco. Photo: Sheldon Smith

1. USA National Miss Yellowhammer State Princess 2020, Peyton Wesson

USA National Miss Yellowhammer State Princess 2020, Peyton Wesson. Photo: Amanda Ferguson 



Top 10 Jr. Preteen and Preteen Evening Gowns of 2020

10. USA National Miss Oklahoma Preteen 2020, Anabel Flores

USA National Miss Oklahoma Preteen 2020, Anabel Flores. Photo: Amanda Ferguson 

9. USA National Miss Arkansas Preteen 2021, Ava Mae Masters

USA National Miss Arkansas Preteen 2021, Ava Mae Masters. Photo: Amanda Ferguson 

8. International Junior Miss Preteen 2020, Isabella Weiss

International Junior Miss Preteen 2020, Isabella Weiss. Photo: Isabella Weiss

7. USA National Miss District of Columbia Preteen 2021, Ava Kingree

USA National Miss District of Columbia Pretten 2021, Ava Kingree. Photo: Sheldon Smith

6. Miss Texas Elementary America 2020, Khloe Noelke

Miss Texas Elementary America 2020, Khloe Noelke. Photo: Sheldon Smith

5. Miss Alabama Elementary America 2020, Addi Rae Montgomery

Miss Alabama Elementary America 2020, Addi Rae Montgomery. Photo: Sheldon Smith

4. Miss Virginia Elementary America 2020, Lainey Collins

Miss Virginia Elementary America 2020, Lainey Collins. Photo: Sheldon Smith

3. Miss Elementary America 2020, Britney Walker

Miss Elementary America 2020, Britney Walker. Photo: Sheldon Smith

2. USA National Miss Yellowhammer State Preteen 2020, Lyla Wesson

USA National Miss Yellowhammer State Preteen 2020, Lyla Wesson. Photo: Amanda Ferguson


1. National All-American Miss Marana Preteen 2020, Akeelah Sanders

National All-American Miss Marana Preteen 2020, Akeelah Sanders. Photo: Akeelah Sanders


Top 10 Jr. Teen and Teen Evenings Gowns of 2020


10. Miss Teen United States 2020, Haley Helmin

Miss Teen United States 2020 Haley Helmin. Photo: United States National Pageants


9. International United Miss North Carolina Jr. Teen, Allie Ingram

International United Miss North Carolina Jr Teen 2021 Allie Ingram. Photo: Sheldon Smith


8. Miss Arizona High School America 2020, Chloe Hiller

Miss Arizona High School America 2020 Chloe Hiller. Photo: Sheldon Smith


7. 2020 International Junior Miss Connecticut Jr. Teen, Madeleine Rae Johnson

2020 International Junior Miss Connecticut Jr. Teen Madeleine Rae Johnson. Photo: Goodwin Photography 


6. 2020 USA National Miss Centennial State Jr. Teen, Gabriella Reyna

2020 UNM Centennial State Jr. Teen Gabriella Reyna. Photo: Gabriella Reyna


5. National American Miss Jr. Teen 2020, Arica Haywood

2020 National American Miss Jr. Teen Arica Haywood. Photo: National American Miss


4. National American Miss Teen 2020, Delaney Walker

National American Miss Teen 2020 Delaney Walker. Photo: National American Miss


3. National All-American Miss Teen 2020 Finalist, Sanjana Yendluri

Sanjana Yendluri. Photo: National American Miss


2. Miss Teen USA 2020, Ki’ilani Arruda

Miss Teen USA 2020 Ki’ilani Arruda. Photo: Benjamin Askins


1. Miss New Mexico Junior High School America, Rylie Teeter

Miss New Mexico Junior High School America 2020 Rylie Teeter. Photo: Sheldon Smith


Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2020

10. USA National Miss 2020 Contestant, Kourtney Steppe

USA National Miss 2020 Contestant Kourtney Steppe. Photo: Amanda Ferguson


9. Royal International Miss 2020 Finalist, Scarlett De Witt

Scarlett De Witt. Photo: Beyond the See


8. USA National Miss 2020 Contestant, Harleigh Goodman

USA National Miss 2020 Contestant Harleigh Goodman. Photo: Amanda Ferguson


7. Miss North Dakota High School America 2020, Jordenn Ayanna

Miss North Dakota High School America 2020, Jordenn Ayanna. Photo: California High School America



6. International Junior Miss Lone Star State Miss, Carly Moran

IJM Lone Star State Miss, Carly Moran. Photo: High School America


5. Miss New Jersey USA 2020, Gina Mellish

Miss New Jersey USA 2020 Gina Mellish. Photo: Miss Universe Organization


4. International Junior Miss Maine 2020, Katherine McQuade

International Junior Miss Maine 2020, Katherine McQuade. Photo: Miss New York USA


3.  Royal International Miss International Role Model 2020, Samantha Teeter

Royal International Miss International Role Model 2020 Samantha Teeter. Photo: Beyond the See Photography


2. Miss USA 2020, Asya Branch

Miss USA 2020 Asya Branch. Photo: Miss Universe Organization 


1. Miss Indiana USA 2020, Alexis Lete

Miss Indiana USA 2020 Alexis Lete. Photo: Miss Universe Organization 


Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gown of 2020

10. International United Mrs. Pennsylvania 2020, Leslee Neal

Mrs. Pennsylvania Leslee Neal at International United Miss Nationals. Photo by: Leslee Neal


9. Ms. World International 2020, Cassandra Wallace

Ms. World International 2020 Cassandra Wallace being crowned at Ms. World International. Photo by: World International Pageant camera crew


8. Mrs. Magnolia State Pageant Contestant, Brittany Crosby

Photo by: Zach Harrison Photography


7. Mrs. Washington America 2020, Valerie St. John

Mrs. Washington American 2020. Photo: Valerie St. John


6. International United Ms. 2020, Brania Aquino

Evening gown Brania Aquino was crowned in as International United Ms. 2020. Photo by: Catherine Fiehn Photography


5. International United Ms. Minnesota 2020, Courtney Igbo-Ogbonna

Ms. Minnesota 2020 at International United Ms. 2020. Photo by: Courtney Igbo-Ogbonna


4. Mrs. Lakeside Regional 2020, Anna Kerry

Anna Kerry at Mrs. Orange County Regional 2020. Photo by: Oscar MV


3. National Elite Texas Ms. 2020, Sierah Guajardo

National Elite Texas Ms. Sierah Guajardo. Photo by: Lori Lynn Guajardo


2. Mrs. Oklahoma Earth 2020, Jennifer Fillmore

Mrs. Oklahoma Earth 2020. Photo by: Crowning Glory Photography


1. National Elite Mrs. 2020, Haley Ridley

National Elite Mrs. 2020. Photo by: @haley_ridley_nationalelitemrs


Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2019

This Best in Pageantry list includes contestants who competed in the Junior Princess and Princess age divisions in 2019. Did your favorite contestant make the list? Check it out below!

10. Maddex Pillar

Maddex Piller was selected as our number 10 spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown of 2019! Maddex recently competed in her first pageant as Little Miss Illinois Royalty International and won the print model title, spokesmodel and Little Miss Royalty America. This light pink off the shoulder ball gown is adorned with feathers, making it a true standout on stage! This gown compliments Maddex’s hair, eye and skin colors and is paired perfectly with small, age appropriate earrings.

Photo: DazzleShot Images

9. Skylar Catron

Skylar Catron, 2019 USA National Miss South Carolina Jr. Princess, was selected as our number nine spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown category of 2019! Skylar is no stranger to the pageant stage, which must be why she has such a great sense of style! Skylar lights up the stage in this beautiful white embellished ball gown. It is fitted to her nicely and perfectly skims the floor. Her gown is paired with sparkly stud earrings, making her a true standout on stage.

Photo: Skylar Catron

8. Emma Charles Townsend

Emma-Charles Townsend was selected as our eighth spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown of 2019 list! This ruffled pink ballgown pops against Emma-Charles’ skin! This dress has a small sweetheart neckline and even includes the ruffle detail on the cold shoulders. Emma-Charles’ gown allows the eye to dance without distracting from the beauty and poise she brings to the stage.

Photo: Sean Charlton

7. Maleena Luna

Maleena Luna was selected as our number seven spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown of 2019! Maleena’s blue A-Line gown complements her dark hair and brings the judges’ attention up toward her face with the rhinestoned, off the shoulder details. She paired blue dangly earrings to complete her competition look and helping her walk away with the National Elite Little Miss 2019 title!

Photo: Legnar Ekim Photography

6. Brooklyn Knedlik

Brooklyn Knedlik, America's Junior Miss, was selected as our number six spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown of 2019! Brooklyn’s white chiffon gown is truly unique with its pink and green floral beading. The detailing on the gown cuts off just below the bust line bringing the focus to her face, which is framed by long pink earrings. This A-Line gown is fitted to Brooklyn perfectly and just skims the floor to make it look like she is gliding across the stage.

Photo: Goodwin Photography

5. Mary Jayne Dickerson

Mary Jayne Dickerson, your 2019 USA National Miss Tennessee Junior Princess, was selected as our fifth spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown of 2019! So far in our list, the off the shoulder look has been taking over. Mary Jayne Dickerson is changing it up with this high-neck, short sleeve ball gown! The beaded diamond pattern on the bodice is simple, yet eye-catching. Her hair styling choice allows the judges and audience to see the full detail of this gown. All of the attention is on Mary Jayne’s face as this high-neck gown draws the eye upward.

Photo: Mary Jayne Dickerson

4. Ayva Yoeub

Ayva Yoeub was selected as our number four spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown of 2019! This Aussie beauty truly shines in this beaded, white gown with a cape! The pointed embellished waist evokes some serious princess vibes and her cape adds some elegant drama. Ayva is in complete control of this gown and it not only complements her skin and hair, but also shows off Ayva’s personality! It’s no wonder she walked away with the title of International Junior Miss Princess 2019!

Photo: Goodwin Photography 

3. Georgia Shipman

Georgia Claire Shipman was selected as our number three spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown category of 2019! Georgia’s ivory ball gown is sophisticated, yet age appropriate. The bodice is fitted to Georgia perfectly and is adorned with AB stones that reflect off of the stage lights to make her truly shine on stage. The skirt has a metallic pattern that adds to the creativity of this dress making it a unique and beautiful competition dress.

Photo: Georgia Shipman

2. Kamryn Mathis

Kamryn Mathis walked away with the title of USA National Miss Princess 2019 and  was selected as our second spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown category of 2019! Kamryn’s gown is a modern Cinderella ball gown. This satin gown is adorned with rhinestones and three-dimensional flowers. The rhinestone embellished high-neck brings the focus to Kamryn’s face, making her blonde hair and blue eyes pop!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

1. Landry Piller

Landry Piller is your Junior Miss Illinois Royalty International and took the top spot in our Top 10 Best Jr. Princess/Princess Evening Gown category of 2019! Landry’s pink ball gown is a complete and total show stopper! The embellished bodice is fitted to her perfectly and the feathered skirt is incredibly unique, which makes Landry stand out amongst the crowd!

Photo: DazzleShot Images

Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2019

10. Saira Arias

The selection for the tenth spot on our list is Saira Arias. She’s clearly already got a lot of personal style, because this gown is so pretty!

The fabric is a golden yellow floral print which is subtle and delicate. The gown has a natural waistline, cap sleeve, sweetheart neck and a very old world Queen Anne neckline that is just exquisite. This is a very unusual choice, not often seen in pageantry, and we found it so refreshing and original.

The gown is finished with a gorgeous rhinestone and gold beaded trim around the midsection, sleeves, shoulders and neckline.

Photo: USA Elegant Miss

9. Ava Gresser

Coming in ninth is Ava Gresser and she looks absolutely pristine and perfect in this white satin, one-shouldered, A-line gown. This gown is all about simple, refined elegance with just a hint of sparkle around the waist and on the bow. The center of the bow is filled with rhinestones, which makes it oh-so glamorous, and even the edges of the bow are all finished with stones! This level of detail is so special and unique.

The judges must have adored this gown (and the girl in it) as much as we do, because Ava came away with the 2019 - 2020 National American Miss Jr Preteen title!

Photo: National American Miss

8. Abigail Akins

Abigail Akins 2019 National American Miss Oregon Jr. Preteen ranked in the eighth position on the list.

Abigail wowed the judges when she wore this emerald green ball gown. The dress looks to be made from organza and features an off-the-shoulder sweetheart neckline with classic princess seaming on the bodice.

This dress also has a delightful Antebellum waistline, which is another style that isn’t seen very often on the pageant stage. Both the unusual waist and off the shoulder pieces are trimmed in a very regal emerald green rhinestone that matches the fabric of the gown to perfection.

Photo: Abigail Atkins 

7. Alyssa Hernandez

The seventh placement on our list is Alyssa Hernandez, the current 2019 USA National Miss Grand Canyon Preteen. For her evening gown competition, this fashion savvy teen chose a gown by Tiffany Designs from the House of Wu, which was purchased from Glam Squad Couture.

It can be very tricky to wear a gown with one color on the top and another on the bottom, especially if you are petite, but Alyssa pulled it off beautifully. The A-Line skirt is made from a white Mikado silk, and the bodice is sumptuous black velvet with a sweetheart neckline. The dress has some unusual touches, like the half sleeves, which extend only to the elbow, a very rare sleeve length for an evening gown. There is also a diamond shape opening in the back and the gown’s only adornment is a 3D Beaded Waistband.

Photo: Amanda Ferguson Photography

6. Alexis Miranda

Alexis Miranda, 2019 Royal International Miss Grand Canyon State Preteen, was selected for our number six spot on the list this year, and her gown is a stunner!

It’s a classic ball gown silhouette but the top is sleeveless with a high neck. The gown also has a fabulous rhinestone collar at the neckline. We love this embellished collar so much because it brings all the attention up to her beautiful face.

This Mac Duggal creation is a fantasy gown made from an ice blue shimmery fabric that is absolutely mesmerizing! The silky fabric is shot through with tiny little crystals and seems to glow against her pale skin and dark ebony hair.

Photo: Stephanie Warrick - Beyond the See Photography

5. Addison Fischer

Addison ranks at number five with a head turning gown that she wore when she competed at Miss Royalty International 2019. She wore a gown with classic A-Line skirt. But, Addison’s gown took a classic look to a whole new level of fabulous!

The top of this gown is a halter style which is jaw dropping in its originality, because both the top part of the bodice and the waist is covered in solid rhinestones. We believe the fabric of the skirt is charmeuse, but the fabric of the top is made from a complex floral design that is heavily embroidered with stones and beads in a variety of pastel shades.

Photo: DazzleShot Images

4. Landis McKee

Taking the fourth position on our list this year is Landis McKee, the current USA Ambassador Preteen 2019.

Landis is resplendent in this billowy fuchsia satin ball gown which must have had such a magical shimmer under the lights when she walked across the stage. She opted for a portrait style collar that has been pushed off the shoulder, but which has an appropriate neckline for a preteen. This lovely Marc DeFang spokesmodel looks divine in this one-of-a-kind creation, fit for royalty!

Photo: Bill Krautler Photography

3. Aleah Stigall

The number three placement on our list is Aleah Stigall, 2019 International Junior Miss Bluegrass State Pre-Teen, for her gown that won Best Preteen Evening Gown at the International Junior Miss 2019 competition!

The gown has a full ballroom skirt, and a feminine portrait style collar, which is so flattering for girls in this age division. This bodice has a very unique twist, however. It’s almost more of a shawl collar in shape, but then it is gathered together at the front of Aleah’s left shoulder.

The fabric is a deeply saturated sapphire blue satin that is breathtakingly beautiful. There is also a floral garland design made entirely of light blue and sapphire blue beads and stones that flows down the front of the bodice to the skirt.

Photo: Goodwin Photography

2. Alena Mascarenas

Alena Mascarenas ranks at number two on the list this year, in a gown that she competed in at NAM Nationals. No doubt, Alena stole the show in this exquisite hot pink ball gown created from radiant silk charmeuse. It reminds us so much of the full skirted fuchsia gown that Olivia Jordan wore when she won Miss USA in 2015.

This gown makes us smile because it reminds us of everything glittery and magical about pageants. The full billowy skirt is so feminine and romantic, but the off-the-shoulder Bardot neckline of the bodice, along with the half sleeves, keeps it fresh and modern. The detail and artistry on the top half of this gown is immaculate! The design is a splendid floral arrangement of stones and beads in a myriad of colors, but trimmed at the neckline and sleeves in solid silver rhinestones.

Photo: Alena Mascarenas

1. Claudia Fether

The number one spot on our list goes to Claudia Fether, International Junior Miss Georgia Preteen 2019, and we’re sure you’ll agree that her gown is most deserving of the honor. Everything about this gown is intriguing and attention getting. It is truly a work of art!

First of all, we must discuss this unusual color. We would call this particular shade of light purplish-blue, periwinkle, which looks absolutely stunning on Claudia. Secondly, the fluffy, tulle-like tiered layers of the skirt are so angelic and ethereal, that she must have looked like she was floating on a cloud as she glided onstage.

The bodice is a halter style, and it’s totally embellished in periwinkle lace and complimenting pearls and beads. Claudia chose a matching pair of periwinkle earrings to complete her look.

Photo: Kathy Whittaker Photography

Top 10 Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019

10. Taylor Stuart

Rounding out our list of the Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 is Taylor Stuart, Miss Freedom USA 2019. This year, Taylor wowed the judges wearing a beautiful white ballgown with a scoop neck with off the shoulder sleeves. The top of this stunning gown is encrusted with an intricately detailed pattern of gold and silver sequins and beads. The satin finish on the skirt of the gown makes the whole dress appear very royal and princess-like, exactly what a Jr. Teen contestant should look for in a gown.

Photo: Taylor Stuart

9. Emma Yeszin

Emma Yeszin, Miss California Jr High School America 2020 placed in the ninth position for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 with her beautiful A-line chiffon gown. This soft pink ballgown-esque dress looks amazing on the light stage background. The intricate silver beading on the front and straps draw your eyes up towards her face. She balances the look with a large teardrop earrings which helps to bring and keep all the attention on her beautiful smile.

Photo: Rod Abregg

8. Tayan Stansfield

Tayan Stansfield, the reigning Miss Kentucky Junior High School placed in the eighth position for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 with her stunning deep purple ball gown. This purple gown is topped off with off the shoulder straps which are embellished with darker gems, bring your focus up to her face and smile.

Photo: Sheldon Smith

7. Audrianna Mendoza

In the seventh position for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 is Audrianna Mendoza, Miss California Jr Teen Regency International 2019. She stunned on stage this year with her two-toned green ball gown with a sweetheart neckline with choker. The gown was embellished on the sleeves, neckline, waist and choker in beads and sequins of various green shades. The high collar with the cutout balances age appropriateness without being too conservative.

Photo: Audrianna Mendoza

6. Sienna Lee Cosgrove

Sienna Lee Cosgrove, Royal International Miss Australia Jr Teen 2019, is in sixth place for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 with a stunning white satin-look gown. What makes this gown so unique for a Jr. Teen is the bodice of the gown. The straight across neckline with the sheer illusion panel in the center of the bodice gives this gowns more of a young teen feel.  

Photo: Beyond the See Photography

5. Khiana Michelle Provido

Khiana Michelle Provido, the reigning International United Miss, comes in fifth place for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 with a beautiful yellow overlay gown. This gown has it all, its top is encrusted with clear and ab stones, with complementing off the shoulder straps that drape on the sides. The asymmetric beading on the bodice gives the gown a unique detail that is sure to stand out. This dress really popped against the dark black background at the competition, bringing all eyes to Khiana.

Photo: Fiehn Photography

4. Madeleine Johnson

In fourth position for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 is Madeleine Johnson the reigning International Junior Miss Connecticut Jr. Teen 2020, with her beautiful pale pink ball gown. The top of this stunning gown has a scoop neck with thin straps and a satin-like finish to the fabric. The skirt has tulle outside, with pink tulle fabric flowers attached along the bottom. The attached flowers give the gown a unique textured look to it, making the gown stand out among the other contestants.

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

3. Peyton Stuewe

Peyton Stuewe, the former Miss Arizona Junior High America 2019, now Miss Junior High America 2019 has placed third for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019. Peyton wore her stunning baby blue ball gown when she competed for and won the Miss Junior High School America 2019. This gown had a tattered look on the bottom and is accompanied by a small amount of embellishment around the waist and the straps. The color and design of this gown is absolutely perfect for the Jr. Teen contestant!

Photo: Amelia Blaire Photography

2. Dajania James

In the second spot is National United Junior Miss 2019, Dajania James. With a beautiful pure white overlay gown, Dajania wowed the judges and the pageant community. The off the shoulder straps and deep cut neckline with a privacy panel keeps the gown looking regal and modest, perfect for a Jr. Teen contestant. Because the gown and its overlay are the same color, the look is consistent and keeps all the attention on Dajania’s smiling face. The sparkle on the gown gives that extra umph to stand out in the crowd.

Photo: Kris Ann Evelyn

1. Angel Maddox

In first place for Best Jr. Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 is Angel Maddox, Miss Junior Teen United States 2019. Angel wore a stunning dark blue overlay gown, the under layer is completely covered in crystals of the same color of the gown, with a color matching overlay of a shimmery tulle fabric. The high neckline in combination with the overflowing skirt makes Angel appear taller and regal. She maintains an age appropriate feel to her look with the full overskirt and conservative neckline, giving the dress a young teen look.

Photo: Frank Carnaggio

Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2019

10. Alexis Santana

Alexis Victoria Santana was selected for the tenth spot for the Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! Representing Florida at the USA National Miss competition, Alexis shined onstage in this royal blue ball gown! The lace details of the bodice help showcase a more youthful style. Matched with royal blue studded earrings and lightly curled hairstyle, of course Alexis would make our top ten list!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

9. Arianna Lekhraj

Dressed to the nines, Ariana Lekhraj was chosen for our ninth spot in the Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019. Ariana had the privilege to represent the Empire State, New York, at International United Miss in 2019. She wore a beautiful, golden ballgown where glitter glistens to create a floral pattern throughout the bodice and skirt of her gown. Paired with small golden earrings, this look was a match made in pageant heaven. Congratulations Ariana, for making the top ten list!

Photo: Fiehn Photography

8. Autumn Harabedian

Autumn Harabedian is lucky number eight on our Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! Representing Southern California at the International Junior Miss competition, Autumn shines in this purple straight lined gown with a super fun dual color overskirt! The bodice’s beaded purple swarovski crystals bring a pop of glamour to her look along with the drop shaped earrings. The loose wave to her hair helps to bring the entire look together! Great job Autumn!

Photo: Goodwin Photography

7. Rachael Evren

Welcome Rachael Evren to the seventh spot in our Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! This former Miss Australia International Junior Miss Teen became the new IJM International Teen 2019 in this beautiful light blue gown. Looking like a modern-day Cinderella, Rachael chose a sweetheart neckline gown made of light blue chiffon. The bodice decorated with its multicolored crystals brought dimension to her gown and balanced the beautiful chiffon skirt. With her oval cut earrings that took on the same pattern as the stones in her gown, Rachael put forth an amazing, cohesive look!

Photo: Goodwin Photography

6. Lauren Robinson

Lauren Robinson earned the sixth spot on Pageant Planet’s Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! In the beautiful periwinkle ball gown, Lauren earned the coveted title of Princess of America Teen. The bodice of this amazing gown is made of a periwinkle lace, with a hint of skin tone mesh between each flower in the lace. This gives the gown a sense of maturity, while still remaining young and fresh! Paired with its flowing chiffon skirt and small diamond earrings, this gown was a home run! Congratulations Lauren!

Photo: Daniela's Studio

5. Morgan Duty

Morgan Duty, Miss Virginia Teen USA 2019, takes our fifth spot in the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2019 with her stunning Sherri Hill gown from Miss Teen USA 2019! A definite fan of the two-tone look, Morgan shined on the pageant stage with this dark blue velvet and baby blue satin dress. The fitted silhouette with the gather satin fabric addition to the skirt is a perfect balance between youth and maturity, a great pairing for a teen. She polishes off this gown with large blue and silver stone earrings and a jeweled cuff.

Photo: Patrick Prather

4. Alyssa Mawyer

Alyssa Mawyer has made our fourth spot on our Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! Styled in this burgundy, Sherri Hill ballgown, Alyssa represented Delaware at Miss High School America and won in this amazing gown! This ball gown features a red velvet bodice that elongates Alyssa’s torso and a chiffon skirt which allows her to keep the teen spirit! Matched with an ombre effect earring that goes from silver to the same color of her gown, this was a perfect match! Great job Alyssa!

Photo: Sheldon Smith

3. Chloe Layton

Chloe Layton has made our third spot in the Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! In this drop dead red gorgeous a-line ball gown, Chloe placed 4th Runner-up at National American Miss Missouri Teen 2019! The way the gown flares out at her hips elongates Chloe’s torso and creates an interesting shape that keeps her looking modern and youthful! The small drop red earrings and her slightly waved hair creates the perfect look! Congratulations Chloe!

Photo: Chloe Layton

2. Anna Claire Hay

Anna Claire Hay has been selected for our second place spot for our Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! In this beautiful silver and white mermaid gown, Anna earned the title of Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2020. This halter style gown features a beaded bodice filled to the brim with Swarovski crystals that create amazing lines on her body! The skirt of the gown features a white satin that brings up thoughts of the famous quote, “winners wear white.” Anna pairs her amazing drop diamond earrings to match the glitz and glamour of her gown! Amazing gown choice, Anna!

Photo: Miss Arkansas Teen USA

1. Natalie Robertson

Natalie Roberston was selected for first place in the Best Teen Evening Gowns of 2019! Natalie wore a beautiful black, fitted gown with an extremely dramatic long train! Natalie earned 2nd Runner-up at Miss Alabama Teen USA 2020 with this amazing gown. This lace gown features a neckline filled with feathers which helps to soften the look and make her more youthful! With her hair parted down the middle, straight and behind her shoulders, she opened up her neckline area to be more open and soft. She also included silver crystal earrings to bring that pop of shine to her amazing gown! Congratulations on our first place spot, Natalie!

Photo: Natalie Robertson

Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2019

10. Tianna Tuamoheloa

Tianna Tuamoheloa was selected for the tenth spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. When she competed at Miss USA 2019, she wore a dazzling one shoulder, high slit dress with a sparkly silver top and a white bottom. She topped off the look with beautiful drop earrings. With this amazing ensemble, it’s no surprise she made it into the top ten!

Photo: Alex Mertz

9. Alejandra Gonzalez

Alejandra Gonzalez came in at the ninth spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. When she represented New Mexico and placed 1st Runner-up at Miss USA 2019, she wore a vibrant yellow floor-length gown. The top of the gown had sparkly accents, which really helped the gown stand out. With this pop of color, she has earned her spot in the top ten!

Photo: Patrick Prather

8. Taylor Fondie

Taylor Fondie was selected for the eighth spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. She wore a front split glamourous soft blue gown when she earned the title of Miss Minnesota USA 2020. This amazing gown includes a fun bottom and lots of sparkle. It’s no surprise that she has claimed the eighth spot and her new title with this flattering gown. Congratulations Taylor!

Photo: Michael Solberg Photography

7. Cara Clements

Cara Clements came in at the seventh spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. She wore a bold red gown that is sure to turn heads. This gown featured an elongated one shoulder that was floor length. The red on red flowers that accented the gown and the sleeve made for a nice addition. With this unique gown, it is no surprise that she has landed at the seventh spot!

Photo: Matt Boyd Photography

6. Raena Loft

Raena Loft came in at the sixth spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. Her high slit, red gown with a train had unique construction and fit her overall look well. She topped of the gown with matching red statement earrings. With this modern take on a classic gown, she has made her way into the top ten!

Photo: Goodwin Photography

5. Amanda Giroux

Amanda Giroux was selected for the fifth spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. She shined on stage when she represented Utah at Miss USA 2019 in this trendy white gown. To add some more sass, it included a floor length silver embellishment as a sleeve. It was easily one of the more unique gowns on the Miss USA 2019 stage. With this gown, it’s not a surprise that she has earned the fifth spot!

Photo: Alex Mertz

4. Michelle Marquez Dee

Michelle Dee came in at the fourth spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. This teal colored gown with sequin accents looks beautiful on Michelle. With just the right amount of sheer illusion panels and the front slit, she has definitely earned her number four spot!

Photo: Michelle Dee

3. Paweensuda Drouin

Paweensuda Drouin was chosen for the third spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. When she represented Thailand at Miss Universe 2019, she wore this amazing gown. The sheer long sleeves with the matching sheer leg really made her stand out. Wearing this flowy nude and red gown, it’s no surprise that she has landed at the third spot!

Photo: Benjamin Askinas

2. Olivia Miller

Olivia Miller came in at the second spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. This black gown looked absolutely stunning on her. It featured a sheer lace side panel, a train and full sleeves that gave the gown a nice dimension. She topped the look off with some sparkling earrings. It’s no wonder that she earned the title of USA National Miss 2019 and the number two spot in this gown!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson Photography

1. Zozibini Tunzi

Zozibini Tunzi is in the first spot for the Best Miss Evening Gowns of 2019. She was crowned Miss Universe 2019 in this showstopper gown designed by Bija La Maison. It features a front split and a unique design throughout the entire silhouette. With an ombre gold into blue throughout the gown, this is truly a one of a kind masterpiece. With a gown this dazzling, it’s no surprise that she has taken the top spot!

Photo: Frank Micelotta

Top 10 Mrs. and Ms. Evening Gowns of 2019

10. Ronica Jackson

Ronica Jackson took our number ten spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! Ronica is your United States of America’s Ms. Texas 2019 and she is giving us some serious Jessica Rabbit vibes! The high slit in her gown shows off legs and the skirt of the gown cascades down to the floor with a beautiful train behind her. She completed this look with red chandelier earrings. Ronica truly shined in this sparkly red gown!

Photo: Altenburg Photography

9. Lyndsea Burke

Lyndsea Burke took our ninth spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! Lyndsea is bringing the drama with this dark purple mermaid gown! Not only is the body of this gown completely embellished with purple stones that match the fabric of her gown, her lace bell sleeves also include the purple rhinestone detail. With everything going on in this gown, all of the attention is brought up to Lyndsea’s face by the high rhinestone collar and diamond-like cutout around her bust line. Lyndsea is definitely wearing this gown and is not letting it wear her!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

8. Chaunice Holley

Chaunice Holley, your Ms. International Dream Model 2019, took the number eight spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! This royal blue gown definitely did its job by making Chaunice look like absolute royalty. Chaunice’s gown is fitted to her beautifully and the high slit shows off her confidence. If her figure-hugging bombshell gown wasn’t enough, Chaunice brings an extra dramatic flair to the stage with her chiffon cape!

Photo: Kathy Whittaker Photography

7. Leyla Murugova

Leyla Murugova is your Mrs. Millenium Universe and she took the seventh spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! This bright red mermaid gown is definitely a head turner. The embellished flowers cascade down the sheer red skirt and to the train. The gown also includes the three dimensional flowers on her hips and at the bustline helping to give the figure-hugging gown even more shape. The color pops against Leyla’s tan skin and dark brown hair!

Photo: Leyla Murugova

6. Amanda Middleton

Amanda Middleton is your Ms. Regency International 2019 and the sixth spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! Amanda’s white evening gown has a high slit that shows off her silver platform shoes. These shoes complement the silver embellished bodice and wrist cuff. Her detailed bodice elongates her waist by having the asymmetrical detailing going down her left side, almost meeting the slit in her gown. Winners wear white and Amanda looks like a true winner in this gown!

Photo: Tarquin Hooper Photography

5. Kate Schneider

Kate Schneider won the title of Mrs. New York 2019 and took the number five spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! This high neck green form-fitting gown looks perfect on Kate. The contrast of the dark green against her red hair is a classic pairing. The ruching details on the hips gives Kate a curvy shape and the high neckline makes her look statuesque.

Photo: Laura Marino Photography


4. Leigh Annie-Louise Hutchinson

Leigh Annie-Louise Hutchinson walked away with the title of Mrs. Regency International 2019 and took the number four spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019. Leigh’s silver evening gown brings glamorous drama to the stage and we are here for it! This entire gown is covered with silver stones that are applied to create vertical lines, giving length to Leigh’s body. In the lower waist and hip area the silver stones create a V shape, bringing her waist in. To top off this already gorgeous gown, Leigh added a cape to the shoulders to truly stand out and be unique.

Photo: Tarquin Hooper Photography

3. Christine Rich

Christine Rich took the third spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! Christine looks stunning in the beaded champagne gown. The high scoop neck brings the attention up to her face while the skirt has a puddle train and high slit, which elongates Christine’s body. The detailed beading allows the eye to dance and truly makes this gown special. She paired this gown with matching earrings and a nude platform heel to bring the entire look together.

Photo: The Umbrella Syndicate

2. Anna Kerry

Anna Kerry is your Mrs. ECO Puerto Rico 2019 and she took the second spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! Anna is so on trend with this form-fitting gold metallic gown. Her gown has a high neck and slit, making her look tall. She has a keyhole cutout with a unique diamond pattern to keep the gown from blending in. The cap sleeves and high neck make this dress classy and we think it looks perfect on Anna. She finished this look with matching chandelier earrings.

Photo Credit: Reza Venegas Photography

1. Robin Towle

Robin Towle is your Mrs. International 2019 and has earned the top spot in our Best Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2019! Robin looks absolutely stunning in this white and silver gown. The cut and the fit of the gown work perfectly with Robin’s shape. The curved, almost horizontal, lines at her waist bring the eye in, accentuating her curves. What makes this gown a complete showstopper is the layered train. Robin completed her look with silver chandelier earrings and looks gorgeous on stage!

Photo: Robin Towle

Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018

10. Sydney Lalla

Sydney Lalla placed in the tenth spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International United Miss pageant, she graced the stage in her teal evening gown as Miss Garden State Princess 2018. This gown has so many unique qualities, like the pleating, the off the shoulder sleeves and the gorgeous jewel work of the bodice. This color complements her skin tone and dark hair color so beautifully. Going with an updo avoids pulling attention away from the intricately beaded bodice. We loved the way her gown stood out!

Photo: International United Miss

9. Olivia Sunday

Olivia Sunday placed in the ninth spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International United Miss pageant, she took on the stage in her faded blue evening gown, in which she was crowned International United Miss Princess 2018. The faux neckline and unique beading makes her look as regal as ever. This ice blue color makes us think of Queen Elsa vibes so we're not surprised she took home the title. We loved the personality of her gown! 

Photo: International United Miss

8. Khloe Noelke

Khloe Noelke was selected in the eighth spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International Junior Miss pageant, she looked amazing in her coral evening gown. The magnificent color makes her beautiful smile stand out and it's unique in a sea of light pinks and baby blues. We loved the way this dress falls beautifully to the floor!

Photo: Kathy Whittaker Photography

7. Averie Mountain

Averie Mountain came in at the seventh spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. Averie made her mark in her royal blue evening gown. The bold color and amazing sparkle make sure of her placement as 2018 Little Miss Princess of America. This ombré effect is so unique in the Princess division. Where most girls stick to solid color gowns, we love the fade on Averie's gown. The lightest color being at the top of the gown helps to draw your attention to her face. We loved the way this gown makes her look like a little queen!

Photo: Imagine Studios

6. Sidnee Neal

Sidnee Neal was selected in the sixth spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. Sidness graced the stage in her matte blue evening gown, where she was crowned USA National Miss Pennsylvania Princess 2019. The amazing and intricate jewel designs made this princess look her absolute best! The almost floral design of the ab stoning is eye-catching and sure to stand out. Choosing straight hair pulled out of her face with a barrette is the perfect choice to keep all eyes on Sidnee. 

Photo: Sidnee Neal

5. Laci Brown

Laci Brown placed in the fifth spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's Princess of America pageant, she looked like a true princess in herwhite ball gown. The stunning beading and unique cap sleeves make her dress look classic and regal. The tulle and high neckline are perfect for the princess division. We loved the gorgeous style and shape of her gown! Classic pageant curls and stud earrings are the cherry on top for this beautiful gown. 

Photo: Laci Brown

4. Landree Button

Landree Button was selected for the fourth spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. In the International Junior Miss pageant, she graced the stage in her bright pink evening gown, in which she won the the title of International Junior Miss Princess 2018. The stunning bright coloring of the gown combined with the intricate jewel designs make her look like true royalty. This color combined with her blonde hair color truly makes her look like a Barbie princess onstage. The unusual off the shoulder sleeves with the straps are sure to stand out on stage. We loved the uniqueness of her gown!

Photo: Kathy Whittaker Photography

3. Libby Baird

Libby Baird came in at the third spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International Junior Miss pageant, she graced the stage in her blush pink evening gown as IJM Natural State Princess 2018. The ab beading on the top of the gown helped Libby to just shine on stage, pulling all the attention to her. This flowing dress was perfect for the stage and this little future model looked amazing in it!

Photo: Kathy Whittaker Photography

2. Tessa Marino

Tessa Marino was selected in the second spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. Tessa wore this crimson red dress in the USA National Miss pageant, where she was crowned USA National Princess 2018. Red isn't always a typical color for a preteen, but while most contestants leaned towards softer colors, Tessa rocked this power color and it totally paid off. The stunning style of this jeweled gown looked amazing on stage and make Tessa stand out at the national pageant. We loved the way this gown fit Tessa and how it brought out her inner queen!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

1. Brooklyn Knedlik

Brooklyn Knedlik was chosen for the first place spot for the Top 10 Princess Evening Gowns of 2018. Brooklyn wore this stunning gown when she won the title of IJM Illinois Princess 2018. She looked confident and poised on stage in her baby blue evening gown. The gorgeous details on the top of her dress combined with the elegant simplicity of the skirt make this dress perfect for a pageant. We loved the stage presence she had in this beautiful gown!

Photo: International Junior Miss

Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018

10. Rylee Howerton

Rylee Howerton was voted in the tenth spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's pageant, where she was crowned 2019 International United Miss New Jersey Preteen, she graced the stage in her blush pink evening gown. The stunning pearl details combined with the unique skirt pattern set her ahead of the rest. The texture of the skirt adds dimension and intrigue to Rylee's evening gown. We loved how Rylee was able to show her personality in this one-of-a-kind gown!

Photo: Rylee Howerton

9. Allie Ingram

Allie Ingram was voted in the ninth spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's pageant, Allie was crowned the 2018 USA National Miss Pre-Teen in her baby blue evening gown. The beading work spread throughout this gown makes it one to remember as Allie's shines from head to toe under the stage lights. With a smile that big, you can tell she feels fantastic in this gown. We loved how confident Allie looked in her dress!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

8. Ava Hunter

Ava Hunter was voted in the eighth spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's ANTSO pageant, she looked beautiful in her royal blue evening gown. The stunning jewels on top with the and flowing skirt make her look like she was made for the stage. A flowing skirt is perfect on a preteen contestant as it helps her to look as if she's floating effortlessly across the stage. We loved the timelessness of her gown!

Photo: Goodwin Photography

7. Adrianna Aloni

Adrianna Aloni was voted in the seventh spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International United Miss pageant, she stole the spotlight in her deep blue evening gown and was crowned International United Miss 2018-2019 Jr. Preteen. The already beautiful dress gets even better with the added detailing down the skirt. We loved the way Adrianna’s dress took a classic gown to the next level!

Photo: Adrianna Aloni

6. Addison Fischer

Addison Fischer was voted in the sixth spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's ANTSO pageant, she graced the stage as Miss Iowa Preteen in her dark purple evening gown. The color of this dress can be pulled off by few people, but Addison looks incredible. So few people dare to wear purple during competition, but Addison shows us that purple truly is the color of royalty. On top of that, the neckline adds another unique touch to this gown with the beaded piece above a sweetheart neckline. Brava!

Photo: Goodwin Photography

5. Tayan Stansfield

Tayan Stansfield was voted in the fifth spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International Junior Miss Kentucky pageant, she wowed the crowd in her hot pink evening gown. This color is perfect for a pretty preteen as it is youthful and energetic. This gown is simple and classy while also adding in unique touches here and there, like the beaded waistline, that really make Tayan stand out! 

Photo: Tayan Stansfield

4. Ana Tovar

Ana Tovar was voted in the fourth spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's International Junior Miss pageant, she took on the competition in her pale pink evening gown. The stunning beading pattern and unique off-the-shoulder neckline make her stand out like a true queen. We love seeing all different types of gowns appear in pageantry! The soft curls and drop earrings are a perfect addition to this off the shoulder look. 

Photo: Kathy Whittaker

3. Jodi Langoni

Jodi Langoni was voted in the third spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's Miss Galaxy pageant, she graced the stage in her beautiful blue evening gown. The stunning jewels make her sparkle and shine on stage. Pulling the front portion of her hair back and going with a simple stud earring was a great choice for this high neckline. We loved seeing Jodi looking so royal!

Photo: Jodi Langoni

2. Ella Scarborough

Ella Scarborough was voted in the second spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's USA National Miss pageant, she looked amazing in her yellow evening gown. Not everyone can pull off yellow, but Ella looks absolutely radiant in this color. The stunning beaded details of this dress make her personality known and shine brightly on stage. We loved the uniqueness of her gown!

Photo: America’s National Young Miss

1. Michaela McHenry

Michaela McHenry was voted into the first place spot for the Top 10 Preteen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's Miss United States pageant, she blew everyone away in her baby pink evening gown. Talk about a vision in pink! The stunning floral detailing in this dress is not something seen often, and makes Michaela look almost magical. This pink gown and floral beaded detail is the epitome of what a preteen gown should embody, elegance and innocence. We loved the royal feeling of her gown!

Photo: Michaela McHenry

Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018

10. Alexa Ferreyra

Alexa Ferreyra was voted in the tenth spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's Princess of America pageant, she graced the stage in her two tone white and gold evening gown. The stunning ruffled hemline with a horse hair braid and unique gold adornment on the bodice make her stand out like a true queen. We loved the gold capped sleeves and open neckline of her gown! The lightness of the skirt plays so nicely into the heavily decorated top. This gown looks perfect with her sweet side-swept hair and dangle earrings. Beautiful choice, Alexa!

Photo: Alexa Ferreyra

9. Cailee Blackington

Cailee Blackington was voted in the ninth spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's pageant, she graced the stage in her Barbie pink evening gown. Cailee is truly exquisite in this gown with pleats at the waistline and a full skirt. The stunning draped and open sleeves covered in beading really draw our attention upward to her gorgeous smile. The unique color make her stand out like a true queen. We loved the small shoulder straps and sweetheart neckline of her gown! Cailee’s mother also competed in pageants and we are sure she made her proud in this beautiful dress!

Photo: Cailee Blackington

8. Anderson Moore

Anderson Moore was voted in the eighth spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. At the 2018 Cinderella Internationals, she graced the stage in her one of a kind Alyce Paris yellow evening gown. The stunning mermaid silhouette and unique lace embellishments make her stand out like a true queen. We loved the bustled effect on the back of her gown! This dress embodies a fresh and youthful appeal while still showing some flare for this talented young queen!

Photo: Anderson Moore

7. Olivia Price

Olivia Price was voted in the seventh spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. At Royal International Miss 2018, she graced the stage in her navy blue evening gown. What may start out as a beautiful and elegant gown, turns into a head turner with the addition of a peekaboo satin blue skirt. The stunning embellished sash and unique mesh v-neckline make her stand out like a true queen. We loved the depth and sweetness of her gown. It is sometimes hard to pull off a heavier gown, but Olivia makes it seem weightless. Her glide in this gown helped her snatch the title of Royal International Miss Jr. Teen. Wonderful job, Olivia!

Photo: Royal International Miss

6. Sierra Beck

Sierra Beck was voted in the sixth spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. The ANTSO judges could not get enough of Sierra’s gorgeous megawatt smile in her red evening gown. In this year's pageant, she graced the stage in her trumpet style evening gown with capped sleeves and stunning details. The exquisite cherry red color is offset with ruby red beading in a unique pattern. The fit of the gown itself is reason enough to have her on the best of evening gown list! The gown is made complete with a full and light skirt that has just enough of a train to make her stand out. We loved the sophistication and elegance of her gown!

Photo: Goodwin Photography

5. Lily Barfield

Lily Barfield was voted in the fifth spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. The Royal International Miss Georgia Jr. Teen graced the stage in her beautiful violet colored evening gown. The stunning over the shoulder neckline is both sweet and subtle. What makes this dress is the black Swarovski-encrusted appliques that start on the bodice and continue downward in an angular style. The unique combination of ball gown and daring black embellishments make her stand out. We loved the stunning detail and fullness of her gown!

Photo: Lily Barfield

4. Autumn Narin

Autumn Narin was voted in the fourth spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. At the 2018 National American Miss pageant, her Sherri Hill couture gown stunned the judges. She graced the stage in her gorgeous purple evening gown. The fit of this dress moves perfectly on Autumn and the neckline shows off the intricate beadwork. The coloring of her gown is so rich it could almost be purple and blue. We love the unique pointed waistline that adds just a little something to the skirt. The full skirt makes her stand out like a true queen. We loved the flow and neatness of her gown!

Photo: National American Miss

3. Naia Torres

Naia Torres was voted in the third spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. Naia’s dreams came true in her two toned gown as she was crowned the 2018 USA National Jr. Teen. There is just so many amazing features about this dress! Her bodice has a mesh v-neckline in a smooth creamy color with a semi-backless back. The full skirt has a light pink hue to it with sparkles all over (a nod to Cinderella!). She graced the stage effortlessly with the horsehair hem leading the way. The stunning shoulder hugging straps and unique crystal waistband make her stand out. We loved how this embodied grace and elegance while still being young and unique.

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

2. Shayla Jackson

Shayla Jackson was voted in the second spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's pageant, she graced the stage in her creamed colored evening gown. The stunning sheen and unique floral imprint make her truly stand out in the crowd. We loved the fit of the inner skirt and flare of her peekaboo skirt! While this style may seem like a traditional gown, the addition of the floral embellishment gives it just a bit of tang in all the right ways! Who could help but love this dress!

Photo: Miss High School America

1. Katie Click

Katie Click was voted into the first place spot for the Top 10 Teen Evening Gowns of 2018. In this year's pageant, she graced the stage in her midnight cobalt blue evening gown. The stunning fit and unique pleated sleeves make her stand out like a true queen. We loved the shape and jersey fabric of her gown!

Photo: Richard Krauss

Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018

10. Lydia Tremaine

Lydia Tremaine was voted in the tenth spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. Miss Indiana 2018 Lydia Tremaine looks like the perfect fairy tale princess who’s about to live happily ever after in this exquisite white ball gown. Everything about this gown is idyllic and pristine, and conjures up everything magical about pageants. The long sleeves and full billowy skirt create a classic silhouette and the high neckline brings all of your attention up to her pretty face. The white shimmery fabric is heaven against her fair complexion and silky dark hair and is reminiscent of Snow White at her finest. This Midwest beauty impressed us, as well as the judges!

Photo: Miss America Organization

9. Katherine McQuade

Katherine McQuade was voted in the ninth spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. Katherine McQuade competed in this gown, as Miss Maine United States this year and I can only imagine how the judges’ jaws dropped when she stepped out on stage. Katherine is an incredibly striking young woman, but she is riveting in this particular shade of sapphire blue! The silky fabric seems to glow against her tanned skin and dark ebony hair. It’s a classic ball gown skirt but she chose a portrait style collar that has been pushed off the shoulder, revealing just a hint of her shoulder and décolleté. The gown also has a very wide waistband which serves to whittle her waist down even more, creating an hourglass silhouette. 

Photo: Katherine McQuade

8. Emily Tinsman

Emily Tinsman was voted in the eighth spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. We just adored the unique gown that Miss Eastern Iowa 2018 Emily Tinsman wore when she competed this year. It can be very tricky to wear a gown with one color on the top and another on the bottom, especially if you are petite, but Emily pulled it off beautifully. The full skirt is made from a sumptuous white satin fabric, but the halter style bodice is a deeply saturated cobalt blue velvet. The neckline and belt are accented with a trim made from a variety of coordinating blue rhinestones that is ever so regal. The halter style is so flattering and sophisticated and enhances Emily’s lovely shoulders and back to perfection! All she needed for an accessory was her confidently dazzling smile!

Photo: Emily Tinsman

7. Michaela Abelgas

The judges must have thought that Michaela Abelgas looked every inch the queen when she hit the stage in this stunner, because she took home the crown that night! Michaela Abelgas is the reigning 2018 USA National Miss, and you can bet that this gown had something to do with it! Now, we don’t know if Rumpelstiltskin created this fabric or not, but it looks like pure spun gold! It must have had such a magical shimmer under the lights when she walked across the stage. The gown is a column style and features an off the shoulder design and a sweetheart neckline, complete with a cape made from a gauzy golden material. The bodice and shoulder pieces are trimmed with about four inches of dazzling rhinestones, which ironically just happen to match all of the stones in her crown! Michaela may have looked like she walked out of a fairy tale in this dress, but her dreams definitely did come true in the end!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

6. Faith Alyssa Behanna

Faith Alyssa Behanna was voted in the sixth spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. When Miss Sun Coast Faith Alyssa Behanna competed at nationals in the USA National Miss pageant this year, she definitely radiated positivity! Red is a color that represents positivity and confidence and the crimson gown she wore was the perfect choice for this upbeat young lady. Faith created a movement known as “Radiate Positivity” in order to help people share their personal stories of overcoming struggles, and she carried that same message of hope throughout her entire pageant wardrobe. Her evening gown had a very full cut skirt, but because the fabric was an airy silk, it was lightweight and flowy, and made her look like she was walking on air. The strapless bodice was entirely encrusted in red and white rhinestones, and was the perfect balance for the solid color of the skirt. This dress was a fantastic example of fashion and branding coming together to represent a contestant in an authentic and elegant way to the judges!

Photo: Amanda Ferguson

5. Isabel Ticlo

Isabel Ticlo was voted in the fifth spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. Miss Arizona America Isabel Ticlo got so much attention at nationals when she competed in this lovely lavender gown. Isabel is an alluring dark-haired beauty with an angel’s face that just lights up the stage! And, this particular shade of light purple only serves to make her even more radiant. Purple is said to be the color of royalty and Isabel certainly looks the part. The fit on this gown is flawless, making the most of her curves and yet making her look very regal and polished. The stoning around the neckline is delicate and sweet, and is very unique and intriguing. Isabel selected matching rhinestone earrings that were significant enough to make a statement but not so large that they distracted from the overall look, or took attention away from her ethereal face!

Photo: Miss America Organization

4. Athena McNinch

Athena McNinch was voted in the fourth spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. If you’re going to be named after a goddess, you better dress like one, and Athena McNinch, definitely did when she took home the title of Miss Universe Guam 2018. This stunning beauty wore a jaw dropping silver fringe dress that stole the show at her home country’s pageant this year. This gown surely weighed more than she did because it is made exclusively of metal! The bodice is sheer netting covered in thousands of tiny silver beads and rhinestones and the skirt is a fabulous arrangement of fringe upon fringe. We don’t know how she walked in this fantastic creation because she is literally drenched in silver beads from head to toe! This was an unforgettable gown and it took an unforgettable woman to pull it off!

Photo: Athena McNinch

3. Catriona Gray

Catriona Gray was voted in the third spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. As everyone in the pageant world knows by now, Catriona Gray wore this gown when she won the Miss Universe title this year. But, at the point when she modeled the now famous, “lava gown,” she was still a girl with a big dream, representing the Philippines. This is a woman who knows who she is and what works best for her and she undoubtedly worked it in this gown. The fabric did indeed look like fiery lava, and it seemed to come alive with every movement as she slinked seductively down the catwalk. The thigh-high slit was daring, but it enabled her to glide eloquently and it fit the overall vibe of her look. The most intriguing part of the strapless, column design is the curved split at the bodice. This small, creative detail gave this flashy gown a more feminine feel, and really revealed more imagination than skin. All in all, this was a fun, edgy take on a Jessica Rabbit classic for a glamorously, vivacious, modern queen!

Photo: Patrick Prather/Miss Universe Organization

2. Tamaryn Green

Tamaryn Green was voted in the second spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. Miss South Africa, Tamaryn Green placed First Runner-Up at the Miss Universe pageant this year, while wearing this gown. She looked like a goddess in this exquisite cool white creation! Some girls wear white and they look pretty, but for Tamaryn, the color complemented her dark, silky straight hair and warm glowing skin in such a magical way. This is essentially a straight, strapless column gown made from a very delicate and sheer fabric, but what makes it so superb are the details. The small beaded fringe on the bottom adds just a touch of texture to an otherwise, smooth palette, and the glorious white cape extending from her shoulders is just divine! The fit on Tamaryn’s figure is impeccable, which makes her look even more magnificent! This is the perfect example of the right gown meeting the right girl at the right moment!

Photo: Patrick Prather/Miss Universe Organization

1. Marta Stepien

Marta Stepien was voted into the first place spot for the Top 10 Miss Evening Gowns of 2018. It is no shock at all that Miss Universe Canada 2018 Marta Stepien, made the number one spot on our list this year! Marta placed Top 10 at Miss Universe wearing this captivating one-of-a-kind creation, and we can understand why the judges loved it too. The design of the main gown is pretty simple and straightforward; it’s a snug fitting, column gown with a sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps. But, as we often say, it's the little details that can make all the difference!

In Marta’s case, the fabric is a sheer bronze material shot through vertically with glittering gold thread that is curved in places to enhance her figure. All of that is not by accident! It’s actually a brilliant way to use fabric to make a dress. However, if the gown had been left just like that, it would not be as magnificent as it is. This design is all about the drama! The tiered overskirt is what makes this creation so theatrical and outrageous, and really sets it apart from anything else on the runway. Marta is obviously a lady who likes to stand out from the crowd and she wanted a gown that would turn the judge’s heads, and boy, did she get it! This is a confident queen who isn’t afraid to take a risk and we loved it!

Photo: Patrick Prather/Miss Universe Organization

Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018

10. Veronika Stefanova

Veronika Stefanova was voted in the tenth spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018.  In her pageant this year, Veronika wore a very classic and graceful strapless ball gown that made her look like Cinderella’s twin sister! This blonde beauty is a traditionalist, but she did makes some unique changes to this gown and those details are what made it so special. The back was lowered to give this gown just a bit of va-va-voom, while still keeping the elegance and sophistication of the original silhouette. We love the simplicity and modern take on this classic style!

Photo: Mrs. Top of the World


9. Kayzie Weedman

Kayzie Weedman was voted in the ninth spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. Mrs. Indiana America 2018 Kayzie Weedman competed at the Mrs. America pageant wearing this delicate, lacy confection. Among a sea of other white evening gowns, Kayzie’s was lovely, romantic and one-of-a-kind. It is a modified halter style at the top with a semi-mermaid style skirt. The lace pattern is carried strategically down the front of the dress, while the attached cape is a simple, silky fabric without any embellishment. She chose to wear simple earrings that did not overwhelm the look, which was exactly the right thing to do. Anything heavy would have detracted from this angelic and delightful lady.

Photo: Gilliam Photography

8. Mollie Potgieter

Mollie Potgieter was voted in the eighth spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. Mollie Potgieter is a very remarkable woman, who is no stranger to pageants. She has competed in the Miss, Mrs. and Teen Arkansas International pageants, and is the first state titleholder to hold all three division titles! This year, she was crowned Mrs. Arkansas International 2018 and won her third Evening Gown Award as well as the Community Service Award! With a track record like that, it’s no wonder she made our list! This queen knows how to rock an evening gown!

At this year’s pageant she chose to wear this luxurious purple lace column gown with a satin organza overskirt. This is a very sexy but sophisticated gown for a married woman, and although it is quite low-cut, it is balanced with just the right amount of elegance to make it appropriate for this pageant system. Mollie selected over-the-top, royal purple rhinestone earrings to accessorize her look, which obviously was the right choice, because the judges loved it!

Photo: Mrs. International

7. Christine Voloso-Aguilon

Christine Voloso-Aguilon was voted in the seventh spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. Ms. Christine Voloso-Aguilon (Marabut) placed 4th Runner Up when she competed in the Mutya han Samar 2018 pageant this year. She wore a mesmerizing, form fitting, strapless column gown reminiscent of an old Hollywood movie star! The photograph does not do this gown justice, because it is a truly breathtaking creation that had to be seen to be believed.

The sheer gold silk was completely covered in shimmery gold stones of various sizes, from the bodice to the knees. There was a hip-high slit on the right side, which was very dramatic and sultry, but which also served a practical purpose and allowed Christine to strut across the stage confidently. This was such a stand out gown that all she needed to complete her look was a pair of coordinating gold earrings and simple matching bracelet. A truly unforgettable gown on an unforgettable woman!

Photo: Ms. Marabut

6. Lauren Weeks

Lauren Weeks was voted in the sixth spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. When Mrs. California International 2018 Lauren Weeks took the stage in this mesmerizing white gown, she must have known that it was a winner! You can tell from the radiant look on her face that felt beautiful. Obviously the combination of a gorgeous gown and a stunning woman convinced the judges that she was the one, because she captured the title of Mrs. International 2018, that night! White gowns are worn by thousands of contestants every year during competition, but this one is quite original.

It has a combination deep sweetheart halter top, but it is just a bit different because a choker piece has been added at the neck. This cut is extremely flattering on Lauren’s trim physique and the fitted design throughout the torso further emphasizes her curvy, feminine figure. The gown is then embellished with pearls and rhinestones from top to hem, giving an otherwise simple palette some very interesting texture. This gown is a wonderful example of taking a traditional look but making it uniquely your own.

Photo: Paula Preston

5. Nicole Zwiercan

Nicole Zwiercan was voted in the fifth spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. Mrs. USA Universe 2018, Nicole Zwiercan is a stunning woman with a strong sense of style and a supreme amount of confidence! It’s no surprise that she selected an over-the-top evening gown that was both feminine and flamboyant for her pageant this year. This gown is fun, fantastic and unapologetically theatrical! The top is an off-the-shoulder portrait style, with a deep v cut into the front. If the design had not included the v-cut, it would have made the bodice too adolescent and visually top heavy.

The skirt base is straight with a series of crinoline layers banded with horsehair braid in varying lengths. This adds a lot of visual interest, as well as movement and drama when she walks. The final touch was the rhinestone embellished belt that nips in her tiny waist, bringing balance to the entire shape. Some may think that a gown like this is risky, but if you’ve got a bold personality and a strong sense of self, then by all means show it! We love Nicole’s fashion flair and her inspiring ability to be totally herself!

Photo: Chang Euldan Photography

4. Brittany Wagner

Brittany Wagner was voted in the fourth spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. When Brittany Wagner competed in the Ms. America pageant this year, she chose a cobalt blue gown that obviously the judges loved her in because they chose her as the winner! Brittany is a striking black-haired beauty with sparkling blue eyes and this long sleeved blue gown is just breathtaking on her. The bodice is made entirely of delicate blue lace and includes a low-cut v-neckline that helps to bring the eye right up to her stunning face. The skirt is a straight column style with a slit made from a vibrant velvet fabric. A voluminous A-line overskirt is then attached to it at the waist with a jeweled belt made from coordinating rhinestones. Brittany selected large attention-getting earrings in a similar shade, and they gave her a nice pop of color as they peeked out through her long locks. This queen is radiant and regal in this sophisticated royal blue creation!

Photo: Daniel Pham Photography

3. Jodi Byers

Jodi Byers was voted in the third spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. Mrs. Michigan Jodi Byers chose a sophisticated nude and silver body conscious gown when she competed at Mrs. America this year. The slinky silhouette fit this pretty brunette’s svelte figure to perfection! The gown is a clingy sheath style with a very low-cut neckline and cap sleeves. It is made from a delicate lace fabric that is over-embellished with a spectacular array of silver and bronze beads, sequins and rhinestones. An overskirt of shimmery gold organza has been added to the dress for a touch of drama and elegance. This is such a dazzling gown and the color and style was an ideal choice for this lovely lady!

Photo: Gilliam Photography

2. Patricia Javier

Patricia Javier was voted in the second spot for the Top 10 Ms. Evening Gowns of 2018. Patricia Javier is a successful singer, entertainer and actress in the Phillipines. Now she can add pageant queen to her resume, as she was crowned Mrs. Universe Philippines 2019! For her pageant this year, Patricia decided to make a bold statement and she chose this dramatic, awe-inspiring ball gown to do it in! 

This unique creation was made from yards and yards of sumptuous cream fabric and then covered in hundreds of exquisite three-dimensional fabric flowers, all in tones of ivory and white. The cut of the bodice is a very simple tank style, but it is also covered entirely in delicate flowers and beads. This gown is practically a museum piece! It must have been so exciting to wear such a captivating couture gown on stage. Patricia is certainly a lucky woman to have worn a spectacular one-of-a-kind creation while winning such a prestigious title!

Photo: Wilfoto

1. Samantha Reinecke

Samantha Reinecke was voted into the first place spot for the Top 10 Ms. and Mrs. Evening Gowns of 2018. Wow! We can absolutely understand why Mrs. United States 2018 Samantha Reinecke won her crown in this gown! And, we are simply thrilled to see her in the number one spot on our list this year. This is one of the most fabulously jaw dropping gowns that we have seen in a very long time in the Ms. and Mrs. category. One of the very first things we noticed is that the fit is impeccable, and that is crucial when competing in evening gown, especially in a prestigious pageant. The fabric is quite eye catching and this particular shade of silver grey is very rare, and it is just glorious on her.

We are also simply enthralled with all of the distinctive details. The one shoulder strap style looks fantastic on Samantha and shows off her sculpted shoulders and arms. The ruching over the bust line ends in a wrapped empire waist, which makes her middle look teeny tiny, and creates a very flattering v-shape to her upper body. Then, that cool looking peplum is gathered up on her right side only, as opposed to being full in the front, and that is a very distinguishing feature. The skirt is extremely fitted around her hips and then flares out into a moderate trumpet design. The overall silhouette is so feminine and proportionate and creates such a beautiful hourglass shape on Samantha. She went with a sleek and simple updo, which was brilliant because her hair does not detract at all from this scene-stealing gown!

Photo: Goodwin Photography


2 thoughts on “Best Evening Gowns in Pageantry: 2025 Edition”

Amber [email protected]

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November 22, 2020

Amber [email protected]

The above provided all of the collections are nice one and cute these are good for choosing to wear on special occasions i am very thankful to the site owner because of great service for mankind i am also the thankful for <a href="https://thetrueaudit.com/best-girls-party-dresses/">this site</a> because this also provide <a href="https://thetrueaudit.com/best-jeans-for-boys/">quality choices</a>.

November 22, 2020

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