Over 632.4K Daily Active Readers:
Access thousands of potential contestants and send automated invites directly.
Collect paperwork, headshots, and track submissions without the hassle.
Send automatic reminders to contestants and judges, ensuring no deadlines are missed.
Eliminate claims of rigging and reduce tabulation errors with our secure and reliable scoring system.
Advertise to our vast network and reach your ideal contestants instantly.
Wonderful experience. You guys were fantastic! I’m thrilled to work with you in the future.
Last year we hosted our People's Choice on our own. It took dozens of hours to set up and count the votes and we made a net profit of $68 per contestant. This year we hosted our contest on Pageant Planet and we made a net profit of $200 per contestant and the votes were calculated automatically.
I’m happy to see that the increase in moving our PC voting from our platform to yours increased our vote #’s enough that, even with the percentage to Pageant Planet, we saw an increase in revenue for Wisconsin.