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Terms of Service

Terms of Service - Pageant Planet

By using services of Pageant Planet, Inc, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

Per the guidelines of Visa, Mastercard, American express, PayPal and other Acquirers/Processors you will see detailed description of the following.

  • Goods and/or services offered.
  • Business and contact information, including the business address and telephone number.
  • Alternate contact information.
  • The currency in which the transaction will be conducted.
  • Customer service telephone number.
  • Delivery standards, including delivery method and time standards.
  • Business’s country of origin (i.e.., United States).
  • Card association logos
  • Terms and conditions, as well as legal restrictions
  • A clear and concise privacy policy.
  • Disclosure of what information is collected, how it is tracked and with whom it is shared.
  • Pageant Planet's refund/return policy.
  • Website's security method for the transmission of payment data.
  • Web hosting service.


Pageant Planet, Inc., hereafter referred to as Pageant Planet, is a U.S. based company and all payments processed through Pageant Planet are made in USD. By accessing or using Pageant Planet (including the mobile optimized version of the website), online services, mobile and other applications and Pageant Planet's pages and other presences on various social media platforms (each, a "Site"), whether automated or otherwise, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, to the collection and use of your information as set forth in our Privacy Policy (see below). When you purchase any item on Pageant Planet or on any subdomain of Pageant Planet you also agree that you have read the Disclaimer in its entirety and agree to the terms outlined throughout the document and in the "Product Specific Terms and Conditions" section.

Please read these terms carefully before purchasing, using, or accessing any feature of the site as these terms supercede any prior Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer, Policy or Advertiser contract. The Disclaimer documentation supercedes any prior Terms and Conditions or Disclaimers, and applies to all advertisers, users, visitors and anyone else who uses the site in any capacity.

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at anytime and any changes made to these terms and conditions will be effective when posted. By continuing to use the site after any changes are made to the Terms of Use, you accept the Terms of Use as modified.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

The purpose and function of Pageant Planet is to connect and expand the pageant industry. In an effort to do so, we have created a platform that allows fans, contestants, directors, experts, designers, retailers, sponsors of pageant organizations, coaches, personal trainers, production companies, judges, emcees and others to upload images, list businesses, emcees, judges, pageants and contestants to our database. By using this website, you agree to not to engage in extortion, spam practices, unauthorized advertisement, hate speech, discrimination, obscenity, or vulgarity. If any user-submitted content violates this agreement, Pageant Planet retains the right to remove the content. 

Pageant Planet retains the ability to remove any user-submitted content, including reviews of any business or pageant listing on the website. Pageant Planet will only remove reviews if reviewer gives permission to remove the review, the reviewer requests the removal of the review, the reviewer is using a ficticious name, or the review violates our terms of service.

By entering your phone number or email address on Pageant Planet, you grant Pageant Planet express permission to text, call, and/or email you regarding your account, promotional materials, and/or any material that may be relevant to your use of the site.

While businesses, pageants and contestants on Pageant Planet may use the functionality of Pageant Planet to market services and train for competitions, Pageant Planet does not have any affiliation with the businesses listed and cannot be held legally or socially accountable or responsible for any actions taken by a business, pageant, or contestant.

When you purchase any product, service, subscription, membership, vote, or send any money to Pageant Planet via PayPal, MC, Visa, American Express, Discover, check, or any other payment method, you acknowledge that you have purchased the product, package, membership, subscription, service, or vote knowing fully the terms outlined in the entirety of this document. Domestic and International funds are allowed to be processed by Pageant Planet and follow strict guidelines of PCI Compliance. Click here to see our most recent certification and compliance status. Pageant Planet passes all payment and contact information through a SSL Secured 128 bit.

Products purchased with a foreign currency will be converted into USD and the buyer is responsible for all international currency exchange fees charged to them by their processor. Should a chargeback be filed by you or by someone who purchased a product on your behalf, irregardless of the reason, you will be unable to purchase or receive services from Pageant Planet until you have paid $35 per chargeback reported.    

Any products on Pageant Planet can be purchased using any of the below payment methods. 

Dispute Resolution

In the event of any case or controversy arising out of or relating to use of Pageant Planet services and sites, you agree to provide Pageant Planet a written notice to the address below to give us an opportunity to resolve the dispute through informal negotiation. You agree to negotiate a resolution for a minimum of sixty days, beginning on the day that we receive the written notification of dispute. If settlement is not reached within sixty days after service of a written demand for mediation, any unresolved controversy or claim shall be settled by arbitration administered in Essex County, Massachusetts.

The parties agree to treat the arbitration proceedings and any related discovery as confidential information.

Class Action Waiver

You and Pageant Planet agree that each of us may bring claims against the other only on an individual basis, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action or proceeding. Unless both you and Pageant Planet specifically agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate or join more than one person's or party's claims and may not preside over any form of a consolidated, representative or class proceeding. Additionally, the arbitrator may award relief (including monetary, injunctive and declaratory relief) only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief necessitated by that party's individual claim or claims. Any relief award cannot affect other site users.


If any clause within this Section (other than the Class Action Waiver clause above) is found to be illegal or unenforceable, that clause will be severed from this Section, and the remainder of this Section will be given full force and effect. If the Class Action Waiver clause is found to be illegal or unenforceable, this entire Section will be unenforceable, the Dispute will be decided by a court, and we each agree to waive in that instance, to the fullest extent allowed by law, any trial by jury.

DMCA Copyright Policy

Pageant Planet has adopted the following policy toward copyright infringement on the Services in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the "DMCA"). The address of Pageant Planet's Designated Agent for copyright takedown notices ("Designated Agent") is listed below. You may submit a notice using our contact form and submiting the following information: 

  • URL of the allegedly infringing work or material
  • Description of the work claimed to be infringed
  • Contact information 
    • Name
    • Company (if applicable)
    • Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country
    • Phone
    • Email Address

Along with the above provide the following: 

  • A statement that the Notifying Party has a good faith belief that the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or law.

  • A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided in the notice is accurate and that the Notifying Party is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the copyright owner.

Please also note that the information provided in a notice of copyright infringement may be forwarded to the User who posted the allegedly infringing content. After removing material pursuant to a valid DMCA notice, Pageant Planet will immediately notify the User responsible for the allegedly infringing material that it has removed or disabled access to the material. Pageant Planet will terminate, under appropriate circumstances, the Accounts of Users who are repeat copyright infringers, and reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate any User for actual or apparent copyright infringement.

Submitting a DMCA Appeal

If you believe you are the wrongful subject of a DMCA notification, you may file a counter-notification with Pageant Planet by providing the following information to the Designated Agent at the address below:

  • Name
  • Company (if applicable)
  • Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country
  • Phone
  • Email Address

A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or the federal district courts located in New York County, New York if your address is outside of the United States), and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided the original DMCA notification or an agent of such person.

The following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."

Your signature.

Upon receipt of a valid counter-notification, Pageant Planet will forward it to Notifying Party who submitted the original DMCA notification. The original Notifying Party (or the copyright holder he or she represents) will then have ten (10) days to notify us that he or she has filed legal action relating to the allegedly infringing material. If Pageant Planet does not receive any such notification within ten (10) days, we may restore the material to the Services.

Designated Agent

Pageant Planet, Inc
491 Maple St
STE 207
Danvers, MA 01810
AttN: Copyright Agent
Email: [email protected]

Product Specific Terms and Conditions

Crown Club Memberships

1. The Crown Club Membership has the option of a one time payment or a monthly subscription. The billing information that you will give us will be used to automatically charge you every month on the day that you signed up for the membership until cancellation of your membership. Pageant Planet will charge the payment method you have on file with the company. As a policy, if your primary payment method fails, Pageant Planet will charge your secondary payment method on file, if any. 

2. All memberships are eligible for a refund within the first 14 days of their membership for the amount of their membership. Members are not eligible for a refund after their membership renews. If you signed up for a promotional trial offer you are eligible for a refund on the trial offer if you request a refund before the initial charge of the monthly membership. Once you are charged the initial monthly membership you are not eligible for a refund on the trial offer or for the initial amount of the monthly membership. This message overrides any mentions of a money back guarantee within our podcasts, emails, or articles as we work to update our content. 

2a. Any refunds given will be the total amount paid minus 2.9% + $.30, as this cost is not refunded to us from the payment processor.

3. All reoccurring charges can be canceled at any time by emailing [email protected] with your request to cancel before your reoccurring charge date.

4. The address that you are including will be used to verify you are the owner of the credit card. We promise not to abuse this nor to share it with any other company.

5. The emails that we collect are only to deliver the information that you have specifically requested.

6. If you win title, Pageant Planet has the right to use your headshot and publicly congratulate you via social media and other advertising mediums and tell our followers and future fans that you were a Crown Club Member. 

7. We have the right to cancel your Crown Club Membership for any reason.

Contestant Fundraisers

The duration ("fundraising period") and amount ("fundraising goal") of fundraisers held on the contestant's profile are determined by the owner of the profile. By setting up a fundraiser on a contestant profile, the owner of the profile agrees to the following terms and conditions:

1. There is no platform fee to start a fundraiser. The profile owner agrees to pay the 2.9% + .30 per donation fee, taken out of the funds raised through the fundraiser, to cover the cost of credit card processing fees.

2. There will be no penalty for not raising enough funds to meet the fundraising goal.

3. After the fundraising period has closed the user must enter their bank details prior to receiving the payout. After the bank details are entered the payout will be initiated within 3 business days.

4.  The funds raised through the fundraiser will be sent at no cost via direct deposit to all fundraisers that are based in the United States. Funds raised from individuals outside of the United States will be sent the money via wire transfer. Please note that the wire costs will be taken from the earnings. 

5. Pageant Planet does not influence or persuade, and therefore is not liable, for what contestants choose to use their funds raised for after withdraw of the funds.

Voting Contests

1. Votes on a voting contests, commonly referred but not limited to as People's Choice, cannot be refunded after the close of the contest. As an example, if the contest ends on August 1 at 5 p.m. EST and a refund is requested on August 1 at 5:01 p.m. EST, a refund will not be given. However, if a refund is requested to us using the contact form on or before 4:59 p.m. EST on August 1, the refund will be granted and the votes will be removed from the overall vote count of the contestant and the contestant and the director will be informed.

1a. Any refunds given will be the total amount paid minus 2.9% + $.30, as this cost is not refunded to us from the payment processor.

2. Deadlines for voting are given to us by the pageant directors. At the exact end time and date specified by the pageant director, we stop taking votes. Due to caching on our site, you may be able to still vote, but please note that those votes will not be counted and your money will be refunded.

3. Because of last minute voting, potential software calculation delays, and caching, the winner of the voting contest that you see on the screen may or may not be the actual winner. Please allow up to 10 minutes after the contest to verify the actual winner. All votes are applied to the contestants profile through our software automatically and time stamped. Additionally, directors have access to their own dashboard where they can verify the winner.

4. Contestants understand that by participating in the voting contest that you are not required to promote the contest.

5. You understand that Pageant Planet does not increase votes manually and without payment. Votes are only applied to a contest after a payment is made.

6. Directors have 100% control of their voting contest through their dashboard. They can hide or show vote counts, turn on or turn off their voting contest without the approval of Pageant Planet. 

7. Pageant Planet does not influence or persuade, and therefore is not liable, for what the host of the voting contest does with the earnings after the contest.

8. Directors agree and understand that when hosting a voting contest on Pageant Planet that their pageant must be verified. As a verified user, you give Pageant Planet permission to collect contestant information on your behalf through the banner, "Contact Director". Please note that this form is a contact form created by us to send you the contestant's information in a secure way. Depending on your advertising package, you can purchase or claim the leads at no cost.

9. After the voting contest has closed the director must enter bank details prior to receiving the payout. After the bank details are entered the payout will be initiated within 3 business days. As part of the checkout process, Pageant Planet detects potentially fraudulent or suspicious charges. If Pageant Planet detects any fraudulent or suspicious charges in your People’s Choice contest, Pageant Planet reserves the right to hold a portion or all of the proceeds for 90 days after the end of your contest. Pageant Planet will not dispense any funds raised through fraudulent charges. 

10.  The funds raised through a voting contest, will be sent to the director at no cost via direct deposit or wire transfer to those who are based in the United States, however, Pageant Planet is not liable for any charges your bank charges you for receiving funds from Pageant Planet. 

11. Pageants who choose to participate in a voting contest will receive twenty five percent (25%) of dollars raised through People's Choice votes only. Pageants do not receive a percentage of transaction fees associated with the purchase of the votes.

People's Choice Guarantee 

In order to claim the People's Choice Guarantee you must provide this following information here and receive an email approval with the People's Choice Guaranteed amount from [email protected] before you receive your first People's Choice vote on Pageant Planet.

1. People's Choice must go live at least 21 days before crowning. 
2. Must close People's Choice live one hour before crowning. 
3. Must keep all the preselected options on People's Choice (i.e. show votes, half price votes) 
4. Must charge $1 per vote.
5. Must offer equal or better prize as last year
6. Must share the contest on social and with your contestants equal to or better than what you did on the previous year. 
7. If requested, must provide financial proof of net profit payouts from previous year.

Failure to do any of the above, without written consent, can result in Pageant Planet not paying the guaranteed amount that was shared via email.

Pageant Planet Advertisers

Advertisers, by definition of Pageant Planet, are companies, businesses, or individuals who have hosted a voting contest, purchased a lead, or paid monies in exchange for any service on Pageant Planet, including but not limited to, preferred ranking, showing contact information, social media shoutouts, mentions in articles, podcasts, videos, and during live events. By choosing to advertise with us, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. When choosing to advertise on Pageant Planet, you are opting into a monthly or annual subscription that will last for a minimum of 12 months at the level you initially paid for, or higher. The billing information that you will give us will be used to automatically charge you every month or every year on the day that you signed up until you cancel. Pageant Planet will charge the payment method you have on file with the company. As a policy, if your primary payment method fails, Pageant Planet will charge your secondary payment method on file, if any. 

2. Pageant Planet doesn’t offer refunds for advertisers on any package, however advertisers can choose to cancel at anytime by emailing, [email protected]. If you opted to pay monthly then your package will be cancelled 30 days after receipt of written notice of cancellation. If you opted to pay annually, your package will be cancelled 30 days after receipt of written notice of cancellation to [email protected]. You will not be charged for future payments after the 30 days, however past payments for your package will not be refunded. If you do not cancel and your annual payment is renewed then your advertising agreement has also renewed. Please note that once a payment is processed for an annual or monthly package no refund will be given. 

3. Pageant Planet does not offer refunds on lead purchases, however, Pageant Planet does offer lead credits if the lead has an email that bounces or a phone number that does not exist. We do not offer refunds or lead credits for any other reason.

4. Pageant Planet does not guarantee results of any kind, which includes but are not limited to leads, pageviews, referral traffic, sales, and contestant or client sign ups.

5. The address that you are including will be used to verify you are the owner of the credit card. We promise not to abuse this nor to share it with any other company.

6. The emails that we collect are only to deliver the information that you have specifically requested.

7. Pageants who choose to sell items via Pageant Planet agree to pay Pageant Planet ten to twenty percent (10-25%) of gross earnings.

8. Pageants, businesses, emcees and judges listed on Pageant Planet agree and acknowledge that when becoming verified on Pageant Planet, you unlock the ability to host a voting contest, show your contact information, receive leads through profile banners and are given permission by Pageant Planet to promote your verified status on Pageant Planet through any medium available to you. Should you ever want to revoke your verification status, you can do so by emailing [email protected]. Please note that removing your verification status will remove your phone number, website address and profile banner from your business, pageant system and all pageants connected with the verified pageant system.

9. If you decide to cancel, your advertising package will continue until the day of your renewal date.

10. Pageant Planet has the right to cancel or remove your listing for any reason, with or without your approval. Reasons may include but are not limited to, going out of business, loss of reputation, and/or late payments on invoices.

11. Benefits of all advertising packages are subject to change in accordance with social media platforms' guidelines and regulations, including but not limiting to, Terms of Service, Disclaimers, and Privacy and Security Policies. 

12. Pageant Planet reserves the right to remove any livestream, social media post or website listing on any of our platforms for use of inappropriate, vulgar, derogatory or disparaging language or for any other reason. Pageant Planet reserves the right to remove this content without your approval. Repeated offenses may result suspension or explusion from our platform and/or website.

Products Purchased from Shop

1. When purchasing an item on Pageant Planet, Pageant Planet holds the vendor's money for 72 hours after you have received the item. If the item does not match the description or image uploaded by the vendor you have 72 hours to contact us after receiving the item to file a formal complaint. Once received, Pageant Planet will investigate the situation. If the vendor is found to be at fault your money will be refunded, after the vendor receives the item in the same condition in which they sent it. 

2. Items purchased from Pageant Planet Shop cannot be returned unless it does not arrive as advertised. 

Selling Items on Pageant Planet

1. Approval for all vendors is at the discretion of Pageant Planet.

2. Any items sold by a vendor on Pageant Planet will be held for 72 hours after the buyer has received your package or until the buyer has confirmed that the item they received matches the description and image(s) uploaded by the vendor. 

3. All vendors will be paid via ACH or wire transfer. Payment will be issued within 72 business hours after the seller's bank details have been entered and if the buyer does not issue a dispute. 

4. All vendors who are non-advertisers and who have the Glitter package agree that by uploading their product to sell on Pageant Planet that they will give Pageant Planet a 20% commission on all items sold. The 20% will be removed from the total amount collected from the buyer by Pageant Planet before writing the check to the vendor. Advertisers with the Rhinestone package agree to pay Pageant Planet a 15% commission and advertisers at the Diamond package agree to pay Pageant Planet a 10% commission.

5. Should any buyer complain that the item received did not match the images or description of the product sold by the vendor, Pageant Planet will investigate the issue and will rule what is deemed as fair and appropriate. The vendor agrees to submit to the decision of Pageant Planet regardless of whom Pageant Planet rules in the favor of.

5a. Should Pageant Planet rule in favor of the buyer, the money will be refunded to the buyer only after the vendor has received the product back from the buyer.

5b. Should Pageant Planet rule in favor of the vendor, a check will be sent within 24 hours minus the respective commission owed to Pageant Planet as outlined above in point 5.

6. Vendor agrees that by listing their items on Pageant Planet to sell, that Pageant Planet can at anytime, for any reason, remove any or all items that the vendor has uploaded to sell from Pageant Planet. Vendor also gives Pageant Planet the authority to remove their ability to sell on Pageant Planet for any reason.

7. If a vendor enters into an agreement with Pageant Planet where the vendor will receive free advertising up until the point that an item is purchased from the vendor's profile on Pageant Planet's shop, the vendor's credit card on file will be charged for advertising at the time of sale, regardless of whether that item is in stock. In the case of mistake or misrecording in the vendor's inventory, the vendor will still be charged for advertising upon purchase of their item from Pageant Planet's shop. 

8. If a vendor does not have an item that was purchased in stock, Pageant Planet will refund the customer their money but will charge the seller the commissioned rate of either 10%, 15%, 20% of the item depending on the vendor's advertising status. Pageant Planet will first charge the credit card on file. If that payment fails, Pageant Planet will take the payment from the vendor's next commissions. If the seller has two items that they are not able to fulfill on then all of their shop items will be removed and they will be restricted from selling on Pageant Planet.


Deletion of profiles is controlled by Pageant Planet Admin however, content on profiles are controlled by the profile admin. By creating, claiming, contributing to, or otherwise altering a profile on Pageant Planet, you agree to hold Pageant Planet exempt from trademark, copyright, or patent infringement that may arise out of information on the profile. Content updates and deletion of the content are in the control of the profile admin. To update or remove any content located on any profile, follow the prompts on Pageant Planet. If your business, pageant or person is listed on Pageant Planet and you wish to be the admin of that profile you can request admin permission by clicking "Claim Profile" on the profile you wish to claim.

To request the removal of a profile email, [email protected] for consideration. Please note that pageants, businesses or contestants featured on industry-related websites, news outlets, Wikipedia, social media apps, and websites, including but not limited to, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or Snapchat will be approved for deletion after the pageant, business or contestant has removed all occurrences of their company and personal affiliation to the pageant industry on these platforms. 

Should your business, pageant or contestant profile be removed from Pageant Planet, due to the social nature of the platform, Pageant Planet will not be held socially, legally, or morally accountable if the deleted business, pageant, or contestant profile is added by a fan, historian, enthusiast, contestant, parent, or relative of someone involved in the pageant industry or by another business, emcee, judge, director, designer, or anyone else who may have had business or social dealings with the organization, business, pageant, or person removed.

You may not use your business, pageant, or contestant profile to slander, bully, or speak against any other profile listed on Pageant Planet. If reported, Pageant Planet has the right to delete any content from any profile listed on Pageant Planet that is deemed inappropriate by Pageant Planet. Failure to comply may result in profile deletion.

Pageant Match

  1. By using the pageant match feature, you consent to Pageant Planet disclosing your personal information to third parties including but not limited to, pageant organizations, pageant directors, pageant coaches, personal trainers, designers, manufacturers, photographers and any other businesses or individuals that participate in the Pageant Match feature.

  2. By using the Pageant Match feature, you consent to third parties personally contacting you about participating in their organization or establishing a professional relationship.

  3. Use of the Pageant Match feature does not constitute a business agreement or client relationship with Pageant Planet or any other individual or business.

  4. By using the Pageant Match feature, you agree to absolve Pageant Planet from all liabilities resulting from its use or, contracts or relationships resulting from its use.

Minor Clause

By using Pageant Planet, you represent that you are 18 years of age or older, or if you are between the ages of 13 and 18, that you are using Pageant Planet with the permission of your parent or legal guardian, or that you are an emancipated minor between the ages of 13 and 18. If you are a parent or legal guardian who is registering for a child, you hereby agree to bind your child to the Agreement and to fully indemnify and hold harmless Pageant Planet if your child breaches or disaffirms any term or condition of the Agreement. If you are using this Site on behalf of an entity, you represent that you are authorized to legally bind such entity to the Agreement. If Pageant Planet believes that you do not meet any of these requirements, Pageant Planet may immediately terminate your use of the Site. If you are under the age of 13 years old, you may not use Pageant Planet without the permission of a parent or legal guardian.

Booking Appearances Through Pageant Planet

Through our Pageant Planet shop, contestants may be booked for appearances listed on the shop. These appearances are not endorsed by Pageant Planet. Contestants should conduct thorough research before attending an appearance to ensure personal safety. Payment for these appearances are subject to Pageant Planet's standard shop fees.

The booking party and the contestant should take photos of the contestant at the event to ensure proof of attendance. 

Booking Experts Through Pageant Planet

Through our Pageant Planet shop, experts may list their services on Pageant Planet. These experts are not endorsed by nor affiliated with Pageant Planet. The price for services listed is set by the expert themselves. These services are subject to Pageant Planet's return policy. Payment for these services are subject to Pageant Planet's standard shop fees.

Selling Tickets and Fees Through Pageant Planet

Directors may list tickets to their pageant through Pageant Planet shop. These events are not endorsed by nor affiliated with Pageant Planet. The price for per ticket is set by the director/pageant system. Payment for these tickets are subject to Pageant Planet's standard shop fees.

Directors may list pageant entry fees through Pageant Planet. These pageants are not endorsed by nor affiliated with Pageant Planet. The price for per ticket is set by the director/pageant system. Payment for these fees are subject to Pageant Planet's standard shop fees.

Privacy Policy

Pageant Planet collects information from users in three different ways:

1. We collect your name and email address when you register for Pageant Planet. (i.e. https://www.pageantplanet.com/register)
2. We collect information that is input on the "Send Inquiry" forms. An example of this form can be located at: https://www.pageantplanet.com/directory/personal-trainer/send-inquiry. Other examples can be found by going to: https://www.pageantplanet.com/want-to-compete-in-pageant/[name of a verified pageant + year]
3. We collect billing address, credit card information, name, email, and product information when you purchase any product on Pageant Planet or on any of Pageant Planet's subdomains.

This information is sent securely through JetRails Servers to our contact management system Infusionsoft. The information we collect is to do the following:

1. Charge your credit card on a reoccurring nature, if you signed up for a reoccurring product.
2. To communicate with you about the perks, delivery, and access of your product.
3. We use this information to share with you other products that you might be interested in purchasing.
4. We use the information on the "Send Inquiry" forms to connect you with coaches, pageants, trainers, makeup artists, designers, retailers, photographers, merchants, and/or manufacturers whom you expressed an interest in. Depending on the advertising package of the business, there is an option to purchase your contact information if a user has expressed an interest in having the organization contact them.

Pageant Planet also uses cookies for collecting information that allows us to show you ads you may be interested in while you are browsing other platforms on Google and Facebook. If you are not interested in receiving remarketing from Pageant Planet then you can optout by visiting NAI.

Contact Information

Pageant Planet, Inc
491 Maple St
STE 207
Danvers, MA 01810

Customer Support:
p: (434) 838-3326
e: [email protected]
