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Carolina Girls Rock Pageant

location_icon.svgNorth Carolina, USA

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg51 review

About Carolina Girls Rock Pageant

Carolina Girls Rock Pageant (CGRP) is a motivating and fun program designed for today's girl. We love celebrating the inner beauty and the individuality of all girls ages 5 to 19 in our natural beauty pageant. Our pageants are centered around helping ALL girls grow; to expand their dream about what they would like to achieve and who they would like to become. We also know that we live in a world where girls are constantly judged by their appearance. CGRP celebrates girls for having confidence to embrace their natural beauty, get on stage, walk with confidence, and be proud of who they are!

We want every girl to realize that they can take hold of her dreams and make them a reality. CGRP is a program based on lifetimes of experiences and the foundational principles of positive self-image and beauty within. For this reason, we believe girls should be girls. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and gain lifetime memories.

Our experienced and friendly team will guide you through the steps of competition. As a contestant, whether It's your first time or not, you will participate in workshop sessions to assist you in enhancing your personal development, confidence building, self-esteem, poise and posture, communication skills, and modeling techniques. You'll feel better about yourself and gain the competitive edge to succeed later in whatever choices you make later in life. Our pageants are memorable experiences that girls and parents alike will be proud of.

Maybe YOUR girl will be the girl who takes home the crown and title. All of our contestants are beautiful and all are WINNERS! There is so much waiting for you at Carolina Girls Rock Pageants, so register today!


  • Compete for the Title of Carolina Girls Rock Pageant 2024

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Carolina Girls Rock Pageant 2024


Rules of Carolina Girls Rock Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Personal Introduction, Optional Photogenic, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown, Casual Wear, Runway, Optional Talent, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Fun Fashion


Staff of Carolina Girls Rock Pageant

  • staff member

    Donna Murrell

    CEO/Director, 2016 - Present

    CEO/Founder; Donna Murrell Coaching; former professional runway model; Best Selling Author; Event Planner; Passion for making a difference and inspiring, motivating, and empowering girls to pursue their dreams while being authentically themselves!