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All American & Mrs All American Pageants

location_icon.svgGrand Resort & Spa, 2110 Baltimore Ave, Ocean City, Md

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg52 reviews

About All American & Mrs All American Pageants

What makes All American Different
than other pageant systems?

Everything you LOVE about pageants! The All American Pageant system offers the feel of competition, the togetherness of the contestants, and even the expectations surrounding a National Pageant. The difference is the family atmosphere and. This will be an unique experience unlike any other you have ever experienced. Once you become a state titlest, you are part of the pageant family.

Forever All American Queens:


All American Royal Queen 2020 - Shamieka Sims
Mrs. All American Woman 2020 - Tanya Amir
Mrs. All American Lady 2020 - Linda Franchini
Mrs. All American Classic 2020 - Coretta Doll
All American Teen 2020 - Celine Ortiz
All American Miss 2020 - Michele Rebman
All American Ms. 2020 - Janna Sheiman
All American Woman 2020 - Michele Rebman
All American Lady 2020 - Sheila Cassady
All American Int'l Queen 2020 - Bernadette Wolfe
All American Ambassador 2020 - Deborah Banks


  • Compete for the Title of All American & Mrs All American Pageants 2024

  • Get your Ticket to Attend All American & Mrs All American Pageants 2024


Rules of All American & Mrs All American Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Fun Fashion, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Talent, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Photogenic, Runway, Resume, Photogenic, National Costume
